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Liberty Overview
Liberty, NC Code of Ordinances
   (A)   Not requiring permit. The following temporary, unlighted signs may be erected in the manner prescribed without the issuance of a zoning compliance permit.
      (1)   Real estate signs. A sign located on the premises and offering the premises for sale, rent, lease or development, shall not exceed the following area per sign face.
Residential Districts
Distance from All Street Right-of-way Lines
Maximum Sign Area Per Face 2/Sided
0 to 49 feet
12 square feet
50 to 99 feet
32 square feet
100 or more
64 square feet
Commercial/Industrial Districts
Distance from All Street Right-of-Way Lines
Maximum Sign Area Per Face 2/Sided
0 to 49 feet
32 square feet
50 to 99 feet
64 square feet
100 or more feet
96 square feet
      (2)   Real estate signs, off premises directional.
         (a)   Two temporary off-premise signs directing traffic to a property offered for sale, rent, lease or development may be permitted in any district.
         (b)   Signs may not exceed 3 square feet in area or 3 feet in height, shall not be located within the public rights-of-way, shall be limited to 1 sign per zoning lot, where located, with the permission of the property owner, may be located in required yards and must be removed upon sale or leasing of the property.
      (3)   Construction sign.
         (a)   A single construction site identification sign shall be permitted.
         (b)   It shall not exceed 32 square feet in area, shall be located at least 10 feet from the front property line and may contain in its message identification of the project, its owner and/or developer, architect, engineer, land planner, landscape architect, contractor and subcontractors.
   (B)   Signs requiring permits. The following temporary signs require a zoning compliance permit:
      (1)   On premises temporary signs or banners announcing openings, closings, management changes or special events.
         (a)   A permit may be issued for one temporary sign or banner per street on which any establishment is located;
         (b)   The permit may be issued for up to 30 consecutive days;
         (c)   The permit shall establish the dates for which the sigh will be erected;
         (d)   A permit may be issued two times for any zoning lot within a calendar year;
         (e)   Signs or banners may be 12 square feet in size if located within ten feet from the rights-of-way; and up to 32 square feet if located over ten feet from the rights-of-way;
         (f)   Any sign or banner erected across any vehicle travel lane, parking area or emergency lane shall have a vertical height of at least 14 feet above the area. No such sign or banner shall be erected within any public street right-of-way.
      (2)   On premises temporary signs or banners announcing non-commercial civic or philanthropic events.
         (a)   A permit may be issued for one temporary sign or banner per street on which any establishments is located;
         (b)   The permit may be issued for up to 30 consecutive days;
         (c)   The permit shall establish the dates for which the sigh will be erected;
         (d)   A permit may be issued two times for any zoning lot within a calendar year;
         (e)   Signs or banners may be up to 32 square feet;
         (f)   Any sign or banner erected across any vehicle travel lane, parking area or emergency lane shall have a vertical height of at least 14 feet above the area. No such sign or banner shall be erected within any public street right-of- way;
         (g)   Signs described in this section shall be removed within 48 hours from the end of the event;
         (h)   Signs described in this section which will be displayed for a period of less than 14 days shall not require a zoning compliance permit. However, the following regulations shall apply: Only one temporary sign or banner may be erected per street on which any establishments is located; Signs or banners may be up to 32 square feet; any sign or banner erected across any vehicle travel lane, parking area or emergency lane shall have a vertical height of at least 14 feet above the area. No such sign or banner shall be erected within any public street right-of-way. Signs described in this section shall be removed within 14 days from erection or 48 hours from the end of the event, whichever is the least amount of time.
      (3)   On premises temporary signs or banners for a zoning lot where a permit has been issued for any of the following: flea markets; open air sales; temporary, produce sales; temporary, or seasonal sales; temporary:
         (a)   A permit may be issued for one temporary sign or banner per street on which any temporary establishments is located;
         (b)   The permit may be issued for up to 60 consecutive days;
         (c)   The permit shall establish the dates for which the sigh will be erected;
         (d)   A permit may be issues two times for any temporary use, per zoning lot, within a calendar year;
         (e)   Signs or banners may be up to 32 square feet;
         (f)   Any sign or banner erected across any vehicle travel lane, parking area or emergency lane shall have a vertical height of at least 14 feet above the area. No such sign or banner shall be erected within any public street right-of- way.
      (4)   Off premises temporary signs announcing a temporary use as described in division (B)(2) above or a special event.
         (a)   A permit may be issued for up to two temporary signs or banners per use described in division (B)(2) above;
         (b)   The permit shall specify that one sign shall be permitted on each of two zoning lots, each of which shall be identified;
         (c)   The permit shall be issued only for zoning lots located within commercial or industrial zoning districts;
         (d)   The permit may be issued for up to 30 consecutive days;
         (e)   The permit shall establish the dates for which the sign or banner will be erected;
         (f)   No more than three signs for different events, as described in division (B)(2) above, shall be active for any zoning lot at one time;
         (g)   Signs or banners may be up to 32 square feet;
         (h)   Any sign or banner erected across any vehicle travel lane, parking area or emergency lane shall have a vertical height of at least 14 feet above the area. No such sign or banner shall be erected within any public street right-of- way;
         (i)   Signs described in this section shall be removed within 48 hours from the end of the event;
         (j)   Signs described in this section which will be displayed for a period of less than 14 days shall not require a zoning compliance permit. However, the following regulations shall apply: only two such signs or banners may be erected per event. No more than three signs for different events, as described in division (B)(2) above, shall be active for any zoning lot at one time; signs or banners may be up to 32 square feet; any sign or banner erected across any vehicle travel lane, parking area or emergency lane shall have a vertical height of at least 14 feet above the area. No such sign or banner shall be erected within any public street right-of- way. Signs described in this section shall be removed within 14 days from erection or 48 hours from the end of the event, whichever is the least amount of time.
      (5)   Off premises temporary signs directing traffic to a temporary use as described in division (B)(2) above or a special event.
         (a)   No permit is required for temporary directional signs to direct traffic to the permitted use or special event;
         (b)   Such signs may be up to three square feet in area and three feet in height;
         (c)   Such signs may be displayed for up to seven days prior to the use or special event and shall be removed within 48 hours of the termination of the use or special event;
         (d)   Such temporary directional signs may be located within any zoning district;
         (e)   Such temporary directional signs may be located within the required front yard;
         (f)   Such temporary directional signs shall be limited to one sign per zoning lot, where located, with the permission of the property owner;
         (g)   Such temporary directional signs shall not be located within any public rights-of-way;
      (6)   No permit is required for the following additional temporary signs erected for a special event.
         (a)   Two four foot by five foot “A” frame signs directing traffic to a special event; and
         (b)   Two four foot by five foot “A” frame signs providing information about the special event;
         (c)   The signs directing traffic may be displayed for up to seven days prior to the special event and shall be removed within 48 hours of the termination of the special event;
         (d)   The signs for signs providing information may be displayed for up to 14 days prior to the special event and shall be removed within 48 hours of the termination of the special event;
         (e)   Such temporary signs may be located within any zoning district;
         (f)   Such temporary signs may be located within the required front yard;
         (g)   Such temporary signs shall be limited to one sign per zoning lot, where located, with the written permission of the property owner;
         (h)   Such temporary directional signs shall not be located within any public rights-of-way.
      (7)   Off premise temporary signs directing construction traffic during the time of construction for a project where a zoning compliance permit has been issued.
         (a)   A permit may be issued for temporary directional signs to direct traffic to the construction site;
         (b)   The permit shall limit such signs to three square feet in area and three feet in height;
         (c)   The permit may be issued for the time period from the issuance of the zoning compliance permit to seven days after the issuance of a certification of zoning compliance;
         (d)   Such temporary directional signs may be located within any nonresidential zoning district;
         (e)   Such temporary directional signs may be located within the required front yard;
         (f)   Such temporary directional signs shall be limited to one sign per zoning lot, where located, with the written permission of the property owner;
         (g)   Such temporary directional signs shall not be located within any public rights-of-way.
      (8)   “A” and “T” frame portable signs may be permitted to be used as temporary signs as described in divisions (B) above. All “A” and “T” frame signs shall have an approved type of tie-down provision to prevent them from becoming a hazard during high winds. Tie-down provisions will not change a sign's status from a portable sign to a ground sign.
(1981 Code, § 712) (Ord. passed 6-28-2004; Am. Ord. passed - - ) Penalty, see § 154.999
   (A)   Trailer and mobile, portable signs are prohibited from location or use within the Town of Liberty and its extraterritorial planning jurisdiction.
   (B)   A frame and T frame portable signs are prohibited from location or use within the Town of Liberty and its extraterritorial planning jurisdiction, except as permitted in § 154.171(B)(8) above.
(1981 Code, § 713) (Ord. passed 6-28-2004; Am. Ord. passed - - ) Penalty, see § 154.999
   Billboards or off-premises business signs are not permitted within the jurisdiction of the Town of Liberty 
(1981 Code, § 714) (Ord. passed 6-28-2004) Penalty, see § 154.999
   (A)   All signs, together with braces, guys and supports shall at all times be kept in good repair.
   (B)   If at any time a sign should become unsafe or poorly maintained, the Zoning Administrator shall notify the owner of the condition, and upon failure of the owner to correct the condition, the Zoning Administrator shall take appropriate legal action to have the signs repaired or removed.
(1981 Code, § 715) (Ord. passed 6-28-2004) Penalty, see § 154.999
   Signs identifying business establishments no longer in existence, products no longer being sold and services no longer being rendered shall be removed from the premises within 60 days from the termination of the activities. Upon failure of the owner to remove the signs within the prescribed time period, the Zoning Administrator shall take appropriate legal action to have the signs removed.
(1981 Code, § 716) (Ord. passed 6-28-2004) Penalty, see § 154.999