(A) On a corner lot nothing shall be erected, placed, planted or allowed to grow that would materially block vision between a height of 3 feet and 10 feet above the center grade of the 2 intersecting roads that form the sight triangle.
(B) The sight triangle shall have sides of 10 feet and 70 feet. The smaller side shall be measured from the intersection of the 2 right-of-way lines back 10 feet along the right-of-way of the road with the yield or stop sign.
(C) The larger side shall be measured from the intersection of the 2 right-of-way lines outward 70 feet along the road that does not have a yield or stop sign.
(1981 Code, § 205) (Ord. passed 6-28-2004)
(A) In a residential district, where the average of the front setback for all adjacent lots, which are located within 200 feet of either side of a lot is greater than the required front setback specified in this chapter, a required setback line shall be provided on the lot equal to this greater average depth but not to exceed 60 feet.
(B) Where the average of the front setback is less than the minimum required front setback, the required setback line may be reduced to this lesser average depth, but in no case to less than 15 feet.
(C) For the purpose of computing the average, an adjacent vacant lot shall be considered as having the minimum required front setback specified for the zoning district.
(1981 Code, § 206) (Ord. passed 6-28-2004)
(A) The minimum yards, open spaces or off-street parking and loading requirements can not be encroached upon.
(B) For each new building or altered existing one, the requirements can not be met by using existing areas established for another use.
(C) A common facility such as a parking lot can be shared by 2 buildings if it is large enough to accommodate the requirements of both uses.
(1981 Code, § 207) (Ord. passed 6-28-2004)