For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ALARM CONTRACTOR. Any person, corporation, proprietorship, partnership or other organization engaged in the business of selling, leasing, installing, maintaining and/or monitoring alarm systems installed on the premises of another for the purpose of protection of the premises.
(1) Any electronic or mechanical device which emits any signal (electronic, visible, audible, silent, recorded or otherwise) which is designed, intended or used to detect an unauthorized entry into a building, structure or premises, or to signal an attempted robbery, burglary or holdup.
(2) In addition, ALARM SYSTEMS may also refer to fire, heat, smoke or other related detection related to fire alarms in general.
(3) ALARM shall be deemed to include any device which initiates a telephone call and delivers a recorded message to any emergency telephone number assigned to the communications center or by which a third party telephones any emergency telephone number and requests enforcement services on the basis of having received an automatic signal from a subscriber of an alarm service.
ALARM USER. Any person, corporation, partnership, proprietorship, governmental or educational entity owning or leasing an alarm system, or on whose premises an alarm system is maintained for the protection of a premises.
CHIEF. When used in this chapter, the Chief of Police, for the Town of Liberty, his or her designee or agent or the Fire Chief for the Town of Liberty, his or her designee or agent.
(1) The activation of an alarm system through mechanical or electronic failure, malfunction, improper installation or the negligence of the subscriber, his or her employees or agents, and signals purposely activated to summon police personnel in non-emergency situations unless law enforcement response was cancelled by the alarm user or his or her agent before police personnel arrive at the alarm location.
(2) A FALSE ALARM shall not include an alarm which can reasonably be determined to have been activated by adverse weather conditions, a failure in the electrical power to the alarm or other condition beyond the control of the alarm user.
(3) In addition, an alarm activated during an alarm system testing procedure shall not be considered a FALSE ALARM if the alarm user first notifies and receives permission from the Randolph County 911 Communications Center to test the system.
(4) An alarm is FALSE within the meaning of this chapter when, upon inspection by the Chief of Police, evidence indicates that no unauthorized entry, robbery or other crime was committed or attempted in or on the premises which would have activated a properly functioning alarm system or by the Fire Chief when evidence indicates that no fire, smoke, heat or other source would have properly activated a properly functioning alarm.
TOWN. When used in this chapter, shall mean the Town of Liberty, Liberty, North Carolina, and Randolph County.
(Ord. passed 10-24-2005)
(A) It shall be unlawful for any alarm user to operate an alarm system within the corporate limits of the town without first obtaining a permit and paying the 1-time fee as established by the Town of Liberty Fee Schedule.
(B) The application for a permit shall be filed on a form provided by the town collector who will in turn send copies of the permit to the offices of Randolph County 911 Communications Center, the Liberty Police and Fire Departments.
(C) At the time of filing the application, a fee as fixed, from time to time, by the Council shall be paid to the town collector of revenue to cover the cost of issuing and maintaining the permit. No fee will be charged for any permit issued for an alarm system existing on the date of the adoption of this chapter if the permit is obtained prior to October 24, 2005.
(D) (1) Permits shall be renewed without charge upon the application of a permit holder at any time between June 1 and July 1 while the permit is in force.
(2) An applicant shall request renewal in writing and state at that time any changes applicable to his or her initial application for a permit.
(3) No other action on his or her part shall be deemed necessary.
(4) Upon application for renewal, the town fee collector shall issue the applicant a renewal permit covering the period of the new year.
(5) No permit issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be transferable.
(Ord. passed 10-24-2005) Penalty, see § 132.99