§ 132.02 PERMITS.
   (A)   It shall be unlawful for any alarm user to operate an alarm system within the corporate limits of the town without first obtaining a permit and paying the 1-time fee as established by the Town of Liberty Fee Schedule.
   (B)   The application for a permit shall be filed on a form provided by the town collector who will in turn send copies of the permit to the offices of Randolph County 911 Communications Center, the Liberty Police and Fire Departments.
   (C)   At the time of filing the application, a fee as fixed, from time to time, by the Council shall be paid to the town collector of revenue to cover the cost of issuing and maintaining the permit. No fee will be charged for any permit issued for an alarm system existing on the date of the adoption of this chapter if the permit is obtained prior to October 24, 2005.
   (D)   (1)   Permits shall be renewed without charge upon the application of a permit holder at any time between June 1 and July 1 while the permit is in force.
      (2)   An applicant shall request renewal in writing and state at that time any changes applicable to his or her initial application for a permit.
      (3)   No other action on his or her part shall be deemed necessary.
      (4)   Upon application for renewal, the town fee collector shall issue the applicant a renewal permit covering the period of the new year.
      (5)   No permit issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be transferable.
(Ord. passed 10-24-2005) Penalty, see § 132.99
§ 132.03 FALSE ALARM.
   (A)   Third false alarms.
      (1)   If within any calendar year, the Police or Fire Departments responds to 3 false alarms (burglar and or fire alarms, respectfully) at the same premises or location, the Chief of Police or Fire Chief, as appropriate, shall send a notice to the alarm user informing him or her of the false alarm(s) and encouraging the prevention of future false alarms.
      (2)   The written notice will also advise the alarm user that the fifth and subsequent false alarms will result in a $100 civil monetary penalty.
   (B)   Fifth and subsequent false alarms.
      (1)   If within any calendar year, the Police or Fire Departments responds to a fifth or subsequent false alarms at the same premises or location, the alarm user shall be subject to a civil penalty of $100 for any like alarm(s).
      (2)   Provided, after the fourth false alarm only, the civil penalty may be waived by the Chief of Police or Fire Chief or their designee upon written evidence from a person or company licensed by the North Carolina Alarm Systems Licensing Board certifying that the false alarm was caused by electronic or mechanical malfunction of the alarm system and that the alarm system has been repaired.
   (C)   False alarm with seven days of installation. Any false alarms occurring within 7 days of installation of a new alarm system for which a permit has been issued shall not be considered false alarms for the purposes of the assessment of civil penalties.
   (D)   Continuing alarms.
      (1)   An alarm user or his or her representative shall reset an alarm when notified by the Police Department or communications center that the alarm has been activated.
      (2)   All audible alarms, with the exception of fire alarms which require a manual reset, shall be equipped with an automatic reset device that will reset and cease to sound the alarm after no more than 30 minutes of continuous activation.
      (3)   When any alarm activates continuously for a period of 60 minutes from the time a town official initially responded to the alarm due to the failure of the alarm user or his or her representative to reset the alarm, it shall be deemed a false alarm and each subsequent 60 minute period or portion thereof that the alarm continues to be activated shall be considered a separate false alarm.
      (4)   The alarm user shall be subject to a civil penalty for the continuing alarm at a flat rate of $10 for each false alarm as defined herein, not to exceed $100 for any 24-hour period.
      (5)   The absence of direct notice to the alarm user or his or her representative of the activation shall not constitute a defense to these fees if the Police Department, Fire Department or communications center is not reasonably able to contact the person due to the failure of the alarm user to conform to the provisions of this section.
   (E)   Fees subject to change. All fees and/or civil penalties referred to in this section shall be subject to change as approved by the Liberty Town Council and listed in the most current updates of the Liberty Fee Schedule.
(Ord. passed 10-24-2005)
   (A)   The Chief of Police shall have the authority, in his or her sole discretion, to waive any penalty charged to an alarm user when a burglary, intrusion or robbery alarm user submits to the Chief of Police adequate evidence that the alleged false alarm was not actually false as defined in § 132.06 below.
   (B)   The Fire Chief shall have the authority, in his or her sole discretion, to waive any penalty charged to an alarm user when fire, smoke or heat detection alarm user submits to the Fire Chief adequate evidence that the alleged false alarm was not actually false as defined in § 132.06 below.
(Ord. passed 10-24-2005)