(A) There is hereby adopted by reference and incorporated herein that certain code known as North Carolina Fire Code, Current Edition. Copies of the fire prevention and protection code and all technical codes and standards adopted by reference shall be filed with, and available for public inspection in the office of the Fire Chief.
(B) Amendments to codes and standards adopted by reference herein which are adopted and published by the State Building Code Council shall be effective in the town at such time amendments become a part of North Carolina Fire Code, Current Edition.
(1) The following Appendices to the North Carolina Fire Code are adopted:
(a) Appendix B - Fire Flow Requirements for Buildings;
(b) Appendix C - Fire Hydrant Locations and Distribution;
(c) Appendix D - Fire Apparatus Access Roads;
(d) Appendix F - Hazard Ranking; and
(e) Appendix J - Building Information Sign.
(Ord. passed 7-27-2020)
(A) Except as provided in division (D) below, no person may burn or cause to be burned any material outside of a building without a permit issued by the Fire Chief.
(B) The Fire Chief shall issue the permit, authorizing the named applicant to burn specified materials at a designated location on a specified date, if he or she finds that the applicant will comply with the requirements of division (C) below and that no atmospheric conditions or other local circumstances exist that would make the requested burning hazardous.
(C) (1) Burning shall be permitted only on property owned or occupied by the person doing the burning, or his or her agent, and only in accordance with the terms of the permit.
(2) Burning shall not be allowed within 50 feet of any structure, except as provided in division (D) below.
(3) No outside burning shall be allowed within the primary fire district.
(4) Outdoor fires shall be constantly attended, and the person in charge shall have a garden hose or other fire extinguishing equipment readily available for use.
(D) No outdoor burning of trash, leaves, grass and the like is permissible.
(E) Nothing in this section shall relieve any person of the requirements of any other provision of law governing outdoor burning or pollution from burning.
(1981 Code, § 12-12) Penalty, see § 92.99
(A) The primary fire limits shall be shown on the fire zone map as approved and modified from time to time by the Board. A copy of this map shall be maintained in the office of the Town Clerk.
(B) As provided in G.S. § 160A-436, within the primary fire zone no frame or wooden building or structure or addition thereto may be erected, altered, repaired or moved (either into the limits or from one place to another within the limits), except in accordance with a building permit issued by the Building Inspector and approved by the Commissioner of Insurance.
(1981 Code, § 12-16) Penalty, see § 92.99
(A) The Fire and Life Safety Division shall be a division within the Fire Department and supervised by the Fire Chief.
(B) The Fire and Life Safety Division shall conduct inspections of buildings and premises for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the North Carolina Fire Code, Current Edition and any amendments or appendices.
(C) The Fire and Life Safety Division shall be responsible for Public Education and Fire Prevention programs.
(D) Fire Marshal refers to the person designated by the Manager to perform the duties assigned to the Fire Marshal by this chapter.
(E) The Fire Marshal shall be appointed by the Town Manager and supervised by the Fire Chief. The Fire Marshal shall implement inspections and training outlined in this chapter in accordance with the North Carolina Fire Code, Current Edition and any amendments or appendices.
(Ord. passed 7-27-2020)
(A) Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is prescribed shall be subject to § 10.99.
(C) A violation of any of the sections listed in division (B) above shall also subject the offender to a civil penalty of $25. If a person fails to pay this penalty within 10 days after being cited for a violation, the town may seek to recover the penalty by filing a civil action in the nature of debt.
(D) The town may seek to enforce this chapter through any appropriate equitable action.
(E) Each day that a violation continues after the offender has been notified of the violation shall constitute a separate offense.
(F) The town may seek to enforce this chapter by using any one or any combination of the foregoing remedies.
(1981 Code, § 12-18)