In accordance with § 70.04(B), the Administrator shall erect stop signs on the following streets at each approach to the intersection.
Intersecting Street |
East Brookwood Avenue | North Greenbriar Street |
North Asheboro Street | West Bowman Avenue |
North Asheboro Street | West Moffitt Avenue |
North Smith Street | West Bowman Avenue |
North Smith Street | West Luther Avenue |
South Asheboro Street | West Brower Avenue |
(1981 Code, Appendix A, § 6A-4(b)) (Am. Ord. passed 1-26-1998)
In accordance with § 70.06, the Administrator shall erect yield right-of-way signs on the yield streets listed below along the approach to the main street as indicated.
Yield Street | Main Street | Corner |
Asheboro Street | Luther Avenue | SE |
Fayetteville Street | Greensboro Street | SE |
(1981 Code, Appendix A, § 6A-6)
In accordance with § 70.09, the Administrator shall establish and maintain crosswalks and safety zones at the following locations.
Street or Intersection
Location of Crosswalk |
Street or Intersection
Location of Crosswalk |
Depot Street | At Swannanoa Avenue |
Fayetteville Street | In front of Methodist Church |
Fayetteville Street at Raleigh Avenue | North side |
Fayetteville Street at Raleigh Avenue | South side |
Fayetteville Street at Starmount Avenue | South side |
Fayetteville Street at Swannanoa Avenue | North side |
Greensboro Street at Swannanoa Avenue | North side |
Raleigh Avenue at Fayetteville Street | East side |
Raleigh Avenue at Fayetteville Street | West side |
Swannanoa Avenue | At Depot Street |
Swannanoa Avenue at Fayetteville Street | West side |
Swannanoa Avenue at Greensboro Street | East side |
(1981 Code, Appendix A, § 6A-9)
In accordance with § 70.10, the following streets or portions thereof are designated as “no through truck” streets.
Street | From | To |
N. Reece Street | W. Bowman | W. Starmount |
Pickett Circle | Bowman Avenue | Smith Street |
West Starmount Avenue | Asheboro Street | Greensboro Street |
(1981 Code, Appendix A, § 6A-10) (Am. Ord. passed 11-27-2000)
In accordance with § 70.13, the following speed limits are established for the streets indicated.
Speed Limit | On Street | From | To |
Speed Limit | On Street | From | To |
15 mph | Town Hall property | - | - |
15 mph | Hamilton Avenue | Butler Avenue | Freedom Park |
20 mph | Fayetteville Street | Swannanoa Avenue | Greensboro Street |
20 mph | Swannanoa Avenue | Fayetteville Street | Greensboro Street |
35 mph | Allison Street | Kirkman Street | Town limits |
35 mph | Asheboro Street | Butler Avenue | Frazier Avenue |
25 mph | Asheboro Street | West Brower Avenue | West Frazier Street |
25 mph | Asheboro Street | West Swannanoa Avenue | West Frazier Avenue |
25 mph | Beaver Dam Road | East Highfill Avenue | End |
25 mph | Beaver Dam Court | East Highfill Avenue | End |
35 mph | Bowman Avenue | Fayetteville Street | Town limits |
35 mph | Brookwood Avenue | Foster Street | Asheboro Street |
25 mph | Brookwood Avenue | Greensboro Street | Timberlea Street |
35 mph | Brower Avenue | Foster Street | Fayetteville Street |
35 mph | Brower Avenue | Greensboro Street | Dead end |
25 mph | Brower Avenue | Kirkman Street | Foster Street |
25 mph | Brower Avenue | South Greensboro Street | South Cook Street |
25 mph | Butler Avenue | Asheboro Street | Dead end |
25 mph | Candlewood Drive | Luther Avenue | Dead end |
25 mph | Carolina Street | Brower Avenue | Patterson Avenue |
35 mph | Carter Street | Swannanoa Avenue | Kirkman Street |
35 mph | Cook Street | Grandview Avenue | Dameron Avenue |
25 mph | Cook Street | Swannanoa Avenue | Dameron Avenue |
25 mph | Dameron Avenue | Kirkman Street | Foster Street |
20 mph | Dameron Avenue | Asheboro Street | Fayetteville Street |
35 mph | Dameron Avenue | Greensboro Street | Town Hall |
35 mph | Dameron Avenue | Greensboro Street | Town limits |
35 mph | Deaton Circle | Lowe Avenue | Greensboro Street |
20 mph | Depot Street | Swannanoa Avenue | Starmount Avenue |
25 mph | Dogwood Drive | Timberlea Street | Freedom Park |
20 mph | Edgewood Drive | Butler Avenue | Pineknoll Street |
25 mph | Edgewood Drive | East Butler Avenue | End |
25 mph | Fairview Street | Brower Avenue | Patterson Avenue |
35 mph | Faust Street | Swannanoa Avenue | Highfill Avenue |
25 mph | Fayetteville Street | Butler Avenue | Brookwood Avenue |
35 mph | Fayetteville Street | Greensboro Street | Town limits |
35 mph | Fayetteville Street | Swannanoa Avenue | Newberry Avenue |
20 mph | North Fayetteville Street | Swannanoa Avenue | East Highfill Avenue |
35 mph | Foster Street | Frances Drive | Luther Avenue |
35 mph | Foster Street | Starmount Avenue | Kime Street |
35 mph | Frances Drive | Brookwood Avenue | Town limits |
25 mph | Frazier Avenue | Asheboro Street | Fayetteville Street |
35 mph | Frazier Avenue | Fayetteville Street | Valley Street |
35 mph | Garden Street | Lowe Avenue | High Street |
25 mph | Graham Avenue | Valley Street | Town limits |
25 mph | Grandview Avenue | Cook Street | Martin Street |
25 mph | Gregg Street | Raleigh Avenue | Brower Avenue |
25 mph | Greenbriar Street | Luther Avenue | Butler Avenue |
35 mph | Greensboro Street | No town limits | Town limits |
35 mph | High Avenue | Fayetteville Street | Garden Street |
25 mph | Highfill Street | Greensboro Street | Faust Street |
25 mph | Highfill Street | Randolph Street | Town limits |
25 mph | Keeter Court | Swannanoa Avenue | Dead end |
20 mph | Kime Avenue | Asheboro Street | Fayetteville Street |
35 mph | Kime Avenue | Asheboro Street | Dead end |
25 mph | Kime Avenue | Greensboro Street | Town limits |
35 mph | Kirkman Street | Swannanoa Avenue | Town limits |
20 mph | Lewis Avenue | Asheboro Street | Fayetteville Street |
25 mph | Logan Lane | Butler Avenue | End |
35 mph | Lowe Avenue | Fayetteville Street | Greensboro Street |
35 mph | Luther Avenue | Foster Street | Greensboro Street |
25 mph | Luther Avenue | Greensboro Street | Candlewood Drive |
35 mph | Maplewood Circle | Frazier Avenue | Frazier Avenue |
25 mph | Martin Street | East Dameron Avenue | East Graham Avenue |
35 mph | Martin Street | Graham Avenue | Raleigh Avenue |
35 mph | Martin Street | Grandview Avenue | Dameron Avenue |
15 mph | Moffitt Avenue | Foster Street | Town limits |
35 mph | Moffitt Avenue | Smith Street | Greensboro Street |
25 mph | Moffitt Avenue | Greensboro Street | Greenbriar Street |
35 mph | Murphy Street | Swannanoa Avenue | Kirkman Street |
25 mph | Myrtle Avenue | Candlewood Drive | Dogwood Drive |
25 mph | New Street | Swannanoa Avenue | Kirkman Street |
35 mph | Newberry Avenue | Greensboro Street | Dead end |
25 mph | Oakdale Avenue | Pineknoll Street | Dead end |
35 mph | Patterson Avenue | Fairview Street | Carolina Street |
20 mph | Patterson Avenue | Asheboro Street | Fayetteville Street |
35 mph | Pickett Circle | Smith Street | Bowman Avenue |
25 mph | Pine Valley Court | East Brower Avenue | End |
25 mph | Pineknoll Street | Butler Avenue | Edgewood Drive |
35 mph | Raleigh Avenue | Smith Street | Fayetteville Street |
25 mph | Raleigh Avenue | Fayetteville Street | Town limits |
35 mph | Randolph Avenue | Swannanoa Avenue | Highfill Avenue |
35 mph | Reece Street | Bowman Avenue | Starmount Avenue |
35 mph | Reece Street | Starmount Avenue | Swannanoa Avenue |
35 mph | Reitzel Street | Swannanoa Avenue | Starmount Avenue |
25 mph | Ridge Avenue | Greensboro Street | Dead end |
35 mph | Sizemore Avenue | Asheboro Street | Town limits |
35 mph | Smith Street | Brower Avenue | Swannanoa Avenue |
35 mph | Smith Street | Starmount Avenue | Brookwood Avenue |
35 mph | Staley Street | Luther Avenue | Brookwood Avenue |
25 mph | Starmount Avenue | Faust Street | Randolph Street |
35 mph | Starmount Avenue | Fayetteville Street | Town limits |
20 mph | Starmount Avenue | North Greensboro Street | North Fayetteville Street |
35 mph | Swannanoa Avenue | West town limits | East town limits |
35 mph | Teague Avenue | Greensboro Street | Town limits |
25 mph | Timberlea Street | Brookwood Avenue | Dogwood Drive |
25 mph | Valley Street | Swannanoa Avenue | Dameron Avenue |
35 mph | Valley Street | Kime Avenue | Ridge Avenue |
35 mph | Valley Street | Ridge Avenue | Teague Avenue |
35 mph | Vance Avenue | Smith Street | Asheboro Street |
(1981 Code, Appendix A, § 6A-20) (Am. Ord. passed 7-22-1991; Am. Ord. passed 6-22-1993; Am. Ord. passed 8-28-1995; Am. Ord. passed 9-23-1996; Am. Ord. passed 2-23-1998; Am. Ord. passed 11-22-1999; Am. Ord. passed 2-28-2000; Am. Ord. 6-25-2001; Am. Ord. passed 9-27-2004; Am. Ord. passed 8-23-2010; Am. Ord. passed 10-28-2013; Am. Ord. passed 4-27-2015; Am. Ord. passed 2021)