1141.01 Landscaping requirements.
1141.02 Special exceptions.
1141.03 Screening of service courts, storage and loading areas.
1141.04 Screening of trash container receptacles.
1141.05 Perimeter screening of commercial and industrial districts.
1141.06 Interior parking area landscaping.
1141.07 Strip between road and parking.
1141.08 Plant material specifications.
1141.09 Screening of exterior mechanical equipment.
1141.10 Maintenance and replacement requirements.
1141.11 Illustration of landscape requirements.
Screening devices - see P. & Z. 1139.10
Corner clearance - see P. & Z. 1139.11
The Village of Lexington shall recognize that, in some cases, the landscaping requirements may be difficult or impractical to meet due to specific site characteristics. In these cases an alternate landscaping plan may be approved by the Planning Commission as part of the site plan review process. (Ord. 99-46. Passed 11-1-99.)