A landscape strip shall be provided along the full width of a lot between the roadway, building, and/or parking areas. For lots in the B-1, B-2, I-1, I-2, or T Districts having a front lot line that adjoins a non-limited access state or federal highway, the width of this landscape strip shall not be less than ten feet measured from the right-of-way line away from the street. For lots having a front lot line that does not adjoin a state or federal highway, the width of this landscape strip shall not be less than ten feet measured from the right-of-way line away from the street. Within this landscape strip, the area shall be unoccupied except for the landscape treatment, signage, steps, walks, terraces, driveways (generally perpendicular to right-of-way), lights, and other similar structures. Mounding and other innovative treatments are to be encouraged in this area, but the design must not interfere with adequate sight distances. Within the landscape strip, at least two 11/2 inch deciduous or three evergreen trees six feet in height shall be planted for each 100 feet of property frontage, along with random shrub plantings.