151.10 UNIFORMS.
   (a)   Full-time and part-time water, sewer, refuse, and street workers in the Service Department and the year-round Park maintenanceman and voluntarily participate in a uniform and steel toe shoe program governed by this section.
   (b)   The Service Department Supervisor may prescribe the type of uniform(s) such employees may wear while on work duty.
   (c)   The Service Department Supervisor may periodically obtain rented uniforms and contract for their upkeep and maintenance for all employees wishing to participate in the uniform program under subsection (a) hereof.
   (d)   The uniform cost for rental, upkeep, and maintenance shall be split by the Village and the participating employee on a 50-50 basis and shall not be considered as a fringe benefit.
(Ord. 1994-11. Passed 6-16-94.)
   (e)   Each participating employee shall provide their own work shoes. Steel toe work shoes only shall be reimbursed for costs thereof up to one hundred seventy-five dollars ($175.00) per year by the Village upon employees submitting proper purchase receipts and/or proof to the Village Fiscal Officer.
(Ord. 2021-01. Passed 1-21-21.)