(a) Unless specified differently in this chapter or in the Charter, the Board of Park Trustees shall have those powers, duties, and functions as contained in Ohio R.C. 755.12 et seq., regarding Recreation Boards, as well as those powers, duties, and functions as contained in Ohio R.C. 755.19 et seq., regarding Trustees of Park Funds and Boards of Park Trustees.
(b) The Board of Park Trustees’ powers, duties, and functions shall cover all park and/or recreation facilities of the Village except that it shall be limited as follows:
(1) Legal title to all real estate owned by the Village, that is used in any manner for park and/or recreation purposes, shall remain titled with the Village, and shall not be titled in the name of the Board of Park Trustees. Further, all permanent capital improvements or other permanent changes to said real estate shall require the approval of Council by Motion, Ordinance, or Resolution.
(2) All tax or bond levies or issues for park and/or recreation purposes shall require the approval of Council by Motion, Ordinance, or Resolution before bing placed on the ballot for voter approval.
(3) All monies for park and/or recreation purposes falling under the administration of the Board of Park Trustees shall be placed in a herein specifically created fund called the “Park Fund” per applicable law, but Council shall determine how much money out of the Village General Fund shall be appropriated to said “Park Fund” on an annual or other periodic basis by Motion, Ordinance, or Resolution.
(4) All rules and regulations for the protection, care, and government of the park and/or recreation facilities under its charge adopted by the Board of Park Trustees shall be posted in a minimum of three locations located at the entrance and/or otherwise within the boundaries of the land containing the parking and/or recreation facilities. Further, said rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Park Trustees shall go into immediate effect following their approval by Council by Motion, Ordinance, or Resolution, and their posting, upon which they shall then have the same effect and may be enforced by the same penalties as ordinances and/or per Section 141.04.
(Ord. 2007-20. Passed 10-18-07.)