It shall be the duty and responsibility of any person receiving a permit to:
(a) Pay a permit fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00), except as otherwise provided in Section 903.30, and provided that public utilities may elect to be billed monthly for such fees as they accrue.
(b) Make a deposit to cover the cost of inspecting the work authorized by the permit and the cost of restoring the street damaged by such work. The amount of deposit shall be computed by the Director depending on the class of opening as provided in this chapter.
Or Alternate Provision To Subsection (b) Where Municipality Does Not Restore The Opening
(b) Make a deposit to cover the cost of inspecting the work authorized by the permit.
Or Alternate Provision To Subsection (c) Where Municipality Does Not Restore The Opening
(d) Furnish a certificate of insurance as required by this chapter.
(e) Submit, when required by the Director, a list of owners and tenants of all properties abutting the area where the work authorized by the permit is to be performed.
(f) Present evidence that all materials, labor and equipment which are needed to complete the work authorized by the permit are available.
(g) Keep the original copy of the permit and an approved copy of the plan at all times while such work is in progress at the location for which the permit was granted and show such permit and/or plan upon demand by any official of the Village.
(Ord. 2020-10. Passed 9-3-20.)