Any permit may be revoked by the Director, after notice to the permittee, for:
(a) Violation of any condition of the permit or of any provision of this chapter;
(b) Violation of any provision of any other applicable ordinance or law relating to the work;
(c) Existence of any condition or the doing of any act constituting or creating a nuisance or endangering the lives or property of others. A permittee may be granted a period of four (4) hours, from the time of the notice, to correct the violation, to the satisfaction of the Director, and to proceed with the diligent prosecution of the work authorized by the permit, before such permit is revoked.
Written notice of any such violation or condition shall be served upon the permittee or his agent engaged in the work. The notice shall contain a brief statement of the grounds relied upon for revoking the permit.
When any permit has been revoked and the work authorized by the permit has not been completed, the Director shall do such work as is necessary to restore the street or part thereof to as good a condition as it was before the opening was made. All expenses incurred by the Village shall be recovered from the deposit or bond the permittee has made or filed with the Village.
(Ord. 2020-10. Passed 9-3-20.)