(a) The following outline will be used as an "order of business" for all regular meetings of the Council:
(1) Prayer and pledge of allegiance (optional).
(2) Roll call.
(3) Reading of and changes to minutes of last regular meeting of the Council (waiver is optional).
(4) Citizens' and aliens' input, requests, and public hearings.
(5) Legal.
(6) Fiscal.
(7) Municipal Manager.
(8) Public Safety.
(9) Public Works (optional)
(10) Library, Recreation, and Miscellaneous Government.
(11) Old Business.
(12) New Business.
(13 Miscellaneous Business.
(14) Adjournment.
(b) The "order of business" is the framework for the itemized agenda to use as a guideline.
(c) The "order of business," like the "agenda," may be modified by a "Motion to Suspend the Rules" or at the discretion of the Mayor for and during any meeting. A two-thirds vote of the members present at the meeting is necessary to pass a "Motion to Suspend the Rules."
(Ord. 2006-16. Passed 12-21-06.)