121.01 AGENDA.
   (a)   The agenda for all regular meetings of the Council shall be prepared by the Mayor, as he is the presiding officer of such meeting and in the best position to review matters that require legislative attention.
   (b)   The agenda for all special meetings of the Council shall be prepared by the authority calling such special meeting.
   (c)   The Mayor shall grant all reasonable requests from other members of the Council, the Fiscal Officer, the Director of Law, the Municipal Manager or any department or board head, to have an item placed on the agenda. Such requests should be made at least twenty-four hours in advance of the meeting.
   (d)   If the Clerk of Council deems it useful for keeping a record of the Council proceedings, he may aid the Mayor in the preparation of the agenda as the two officers deem fit.
   (e)   Any item not placed on the agenda may be heard under any of the following methods:
      (1)   Miscellaneous Business (just prior to adjournment)
      (2)   Suspension of the Rules
      (3)   Discretion of the Mayor.
   (f)   The agenda should be available for review at least fifteen minutes before all regular meetings and attached to the notice of all special meetings.
   (g)   The agenda shall be adhered to, except pursuant to a "Motion to Suspend the Rules” or at the discretion of the Mayor.
(Ord. 2006-16. Passed 12-21-06.)