No chattel home shall be connected to or remain connected to the public water and public sewer system in the Village, or receive public garbage and refuse services until the following minimum guidelines and standards are met:
   (a)   The chattel home must legally remain as titled personal property and not real estate.
   (b)   The chattel home must be moveable and subject to Court ordered evictions or other Court directives.
   (c)   The chattel home must rest on a solid foundation having an outward appearance of a normal real estate foundation.
   (d)   The chattel home must have a minimum floor area of 1,000 square feet and a width equivalent to double-wide manufactured homes.
   (e)   The chattel home, as to structure, building, erection, maintenance, title recording/ transfer, and movement shall additionally be governed by and comply with all other federal, state, county and municipal rules and regulations, including but not exclusive of other matters, the Ohio Basic Building Code, the Ohio Revised Code, the Ohio Administrative Code and the Lewisburg Codified Ordinances.
      (Ord. 1997-1. Passed 1-2-97.)