(a)   All existing canopies, awnings, marquees and signs that overhang or project over or into a public right-of-way and which do not encroach into or upon the paved portion of a public street or alley are herein presumed to exist on March 19, 1984, or earlier, and are to be treated under Section 909.01 of the Lewisburg Codified Ordinances as having a temporary use permit. The Zoning Inspector shall work with all owners and occupiers of land within the Village to make a reasonably accurate record of said existing canopies, awnings, marquees, and signs that overhang or project over or into a public right-of-way. Owners and occupiers of land on said record need not comply with the remaining provisions of this Section.
   (b)   All future to be erected canopies, awnings, marquees, and signs that overhang or project over or into a public right-of-way must first receive a temporary use permit from the Zoning Inspector.
   (c)   The Zoning Inspector shall prescribe an application form to insure that the standards contained in Section 1189.03 will be met by applicants for temporary use permits.
   (d)   Owners and occupiers of land may apply for temporary use permits on said application form accompanied by a fee of ten dollars ($10.00); however, when occupiers of land apply, the owners must co-sign the application form.
   (e)   Upon receipt of a temporary use permit, the owners and occupiers of land shall erect the canopy, awning, marquee, or sign within thirty days of receiving said permit or said permit will be void. Upon inspection and final approval by the Zoning Inspector, the temporary use permit shall be fully valid, subject to the terms and conditions of this chapter.
(Ord. 2001-04. Passed 3-15-01.)