(a) Policies Underlying Use of Zone. This district is intended to permit the development of Manufactured Home Parks in association with other residential development types while maintaining a reasonable population density and by providing for the unique requirements for this type of development. The provisions of this district are established to assure that the site design and arrangement in relation to other areas together with the provisions of associated facilities result in an attractive, orderly and efficient residential environment of sustained desirability in harmony with adjacent areas.
(b) Permitted Uses.
(1) Manufactured home parks.
A. Manufactured home (not self-propelled vehicles).
B. Modular or sectional homes.
(c) Accessory Use.
(1) Coin-operated laundry, laundry and dry cleaning pick-up stations for use of tenants only. No external sign of any nature whatsoever shall be permitted.
(2) Other accessory uses, buildings or structures customarily incidental to the aforesaid use.
(3) On-site manufactured home sales. The sales of manufactured homes within a manufactured home park or subdivision shall be a conditional use having a one year duration. Such use shall be reviewed at the end of the first year for possible extension for an additional year, in total representing a maximum two year duration. Such sales areas shall be well screened from the residential section of the park or subdivision and shall be located at the periphery of the site. All signs used for advertising shall be unobtrusive to the surrounding property.
(4) Neighborhood commercial facilities. In manufactured home parks of fifty acres or more, neighborhood commercial facilities such as markets, barbers, beauty shops, doctor's office, etc. may be planned in conjunction with a manufactured home park but may not be physically occupied until the park is seventy-five percent (75%) occupied by residents.
(d) Minimum Floor Area. Individual manufactured homes located within the PMH district shall have a minimum floor area of 1000 square feet.
(e) Area Requirements. Each manufactured home park shall have a minimum gross site area of ten acres.
(f) Density Requirements. Gross density for a manufactured home park shall not exceed six dwelling units per acre.
(g) Utilities.
(1) Public utilities. Each manufactured home park shall be served by public water and sewer systems.
(2) Underground Utilities. In each manufactured home park all wires, cables, and lines providing telecommunication, including cable television, and electric utility services and connections of such utility systems to buildings and light poles in such parks, shall be located underground.
(3) Manufactured home parks shall meet the requirements of the Ohio Sanitary Code adopted by the Public Health Council under the authority of Ohio R. C. 3733.20.
(h) Streets and Pedestrian Ways.
(1) Access. Each manufactured home park shall have direct access to a principal county, township, city, or state highway or arterial street or road.
(2) Streets.
A. Alignment. Streets should be adapted to the topography and should have suitable alignment and gradient for traffic safety, satisfactory surface and ground water drainage, and proper functioning of sanitary and storm sewer systems.
B. Flexible pavement. The required base should be a minimum of eight inches thick and composed of crushed stone, gravel, or other appropriate durable material compacted to the practical maximum density. The wearing surface should be bituminous concrete a minimum of one and one-half inches thick compacted to the maximum practical density.
C. Rigid pavement. Where Portland cement concrete is used, it should not be less than five inches thick on a prepared sub-grade constructed in accordance with accepted practices, with expansion joints where driveways and walks abut each other or the curb.
D. Width. The minimum pavement width of interior one way streets with parking permitted on one side shall be twenty feet. The minimum pavement width of two way streets with parking permitted on one side shall be thirty feet. The minimum width of two way streets without parking permitted shall be twenty-four feet.
(i) Landscaping. In all manufactured home parks, the following landscaped provisions shall apply:
(1) Along each property line, and within the fifty foot setback area, there shall be provided screen fencing, landscape planting or a landscape berm or a combination thereof which shall be so designed or planted as to be twenty five percent (25%) or more opaque when viewed horizontally between two feet and eight feet above average ground level.
(2) Trees of at least one inch caliper shall be installed on both sides of all streets within the manufactured home park at a spacing of fifty feet between trees.
(j) Setback Requirements. The following setback requirements for all manufactured homes located in a manufactured home park shall apply:
(1) From all perimeter lot lines: 50 feet.
(2) From any manufactured home located in the manufactured home park: 18 feet.
(3) From any community building: 50 feet.
(4) From any public or private street located within the park: 18 feet.
(k) Required Open Space. A minimum of ten percent (10%) of the gross site area shall be set aside and reserved for usable open space. Such open space shall be in one or more parcels, not less than one acre each. The minimum dimension of such open space shall be 200 feet in any direction. For the purposes of this section, "Usable Open Space" means parks, common open areas, and areas containing a combination of community service buildings (clubhouses, swimming pools, etc.) and outdoor recreation areas.
(l) Parking Requirements. Two paved, off-street parking spaces having a minimum area of 200 square feet shall be provided for each manufactured home site. Such parking space shall be located either on the manufactured home site, behind the front setback area, or in a common parking area within the manufactured home park.
(m) Signs. Signs within the manufactured home development shall be limited to a name plate attached to each manufactured home, which is no larger than one square foot, directional signs indicating the location of utility buildings, including management office, parking areas and common recreation areas, and traffic control signs.
(n) Miscellaneous Requirements.
(1) Lighting. Appropriate lighting shall be provided along all interior roadways, and walkways. All lights shall be so positioned and shaded to avoid a glare on adjoining properties.
(2) Drainage. Each manufactured home space shall be so constructed to provide adequate storm water drainage from ramps, patios, and all walls and foundations of the manufactured home to the roadway.
(3) Fuel supply. Where fuel is stored in outdoor storage tanks, they shall be supported by a concrete base and screened from view of surrounding manufactured home spaces and the street.
(4) Enclosed undercarriage. All manufactured homes located in manufactured home parks shall be enclosed from the bottom of the structure to the ground.
(5) Refuse containers. All refuse containers shall be screened from view of surroundings manufactured home spaces and the street.
(Ord. 1996-22. Passed 12-26-96.)