A Planned Development shall be developed only according to the approved and recorded final plan and all supporting data. The recorded final plan and supporting data together with all recorded amendments shall be binding on the applicants, their successors, grantees and assigns and shall limit and control the use or premises (including the interval use of buildings and structures) and location of structures in the Planned Development as set forth therein.
(a) Major Changes. Changes which alter the concept or intent of the Planned Development including increases in the number of units per acre, change in location or amount of non-residential land uses, more than fifteen percent (15%) modification in proportion of housing types, significant redesign of roadways, utilities or drainage, may be approved only by submission of a new preliminary plan and supporting data, and following the "preliminary approval" steps and subsequent amendment of the final Planned Development Plan.
(b) Minor Changes. The Zoning Inspector, upon notifying the Planning Commission, may jointly approve minor changes in the Planned Development which do not change the concept or intent of the development, without going through the "preliminary approval" steps. Minor changes are defined as any change not defined as a major change.
(Ord. 82-1. Passed 2-16-82.)