(a) Planned developments are of such substantially different character from other conditional uses that specific and additional standards and exceptions are hereby established to govern the actions of the Planning Commission.
(b) Planned development zoning is a privilege to be earned and not a right which can be claimed simply upon complying with all the standards established in this section. The Planning Commission and/or Council may require any reasonable condition or design consideration which will promote proper development of benefit to the community. It is not intended that the Commission and/or Council automatically grant the maximum use exceptions or density increase in the case of each planned development. The Commission and Council shall grant only such increase or latitude which is consistent with the benefit accruing to the Village as the result of the planned development. As a condition for approval, each planned development must be compatible with the character and objectives of the zoning district or districts within which it is located, and each planned development shall be consistent with the objectives of the Lewisburg Land Development Plan.
(c) Some specific purpose of the planned development procedure are:
(1) To take advantage of advances in technology, architectural design, and functional land use design;
(2) To recognize the problems of population density, distribution and circulation and to allow a deviation from rigid established patterns of land uses, but controlled by defined policies and objectives;
(3) To produce a comprehensive development equal to or better than that resulting from traditional lot by lot land use development;
(4) To permit flexibility of design in the placement, height, and uses of buildings and open spaces, circulation facilities and off-street parking areas, and to more efficiently utilize potentials of site, characterized by special features of geography, topography, size or shape.
(e) The Planning Commission shall not approve a request for a Planned Development unless it shall, in each specific case, make specific findings of facts directly based upon the particular evidence presented to it, which supports conclusions that:
(1) The Planned Development can be substantially completed within the period of time specified in the schedule of development submitted by the developer.
(2) The site will be accessible from public roads that are adequate to carry the traffic that will be imposed upon them by the proposed development and the streets and driveways on the site of the proposed development will be adequate to serve the residents or occupants of the proposed development.
(3) The development will not impose an undue burden on public services and facilities, such as utilities, fire, and police protection.
(4) The Development Plan contains such proposed covenants, easements, and other provisions relating to the proposed development standards, as reasonable as are required for the public health, safety and welfare.
(5) The location and arrangement of structures, parking areas, walks, lighting, and appurtenant facilities shall be compatible with the surrounding land uses, and any part of a Planned Development not used for structures, parking and loading areas, or accessways, shall be landscaped or otherwise improved.
(6) Natural features such as water courses, trees, and rock outcrops will be preserved, to the degree possible, so that they can be incorporated into the layout to enhance the overall design of the Planned Development.
(7) The layout must be designed to take advantage of the existing land contours in order to provide satisfactory road gradients and suitable building lots and to facilitate the provisions of proposed services.
(8) In any development which is primarily designed for or occupied by dwellings, all electric and telephone facilities, steet light wiring, and other wiring conduits and similar facilities shall be placed underground by the developer, unless waived by the Planning Commission because of the technical reasons.
(Ord. 82-1. Passed 2-16-82.)