(a)   Site Plan Approval Required. A site plan shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for approval. The site plan shall indicate that the following regulations have been met to minimize traffic congestion:
      (1)   Each lot shall provide a ten feet wide planting strip along the right-of-way line;
      (2)   No more than two driveway approaches shall be permitted;
      (3)   Each driveway shall not exceed thirty feet in width;
      (4)   Service roads for two or more uses shall be encouraged in order to reduce the number of access points along a major street.
   (b)   Data Required for Zone Change Requests. A request to rezone land to highway service commercial must be substantiated with evidence that:
      (1)   Such a use will not conflict with the intended function of a major street to carry traffic; and
      (2)   That the capacity of the streets will not be materially reduced by the additional commercial facilities.
         (Ord. 82-1. Passed 2-16-82.)