(a)   All water, sewer, and trash bills on customer accounts with the Village, shall be issued to the customers on the first day of each month, and shall be due at such time.
   (b)   All water, sewer, and trash bills that are not paid within fifteen days of the due date of the bill shall be considered as delinquent, and shall result in a penalty charge against the customer.
   (c)   The penalty on all delinquent water, sewer, and trash accounts with the Village shall be twenty percent (20%) of the billed amount. Further, the Clerk-Treasurer may certify all unpaid delinquencies and penalties to the Preble County Auditor and/or Treasurer for collection on the landowner's real estate taxes' and assessment's duplicate on a semi-annual basis; irrespective of whether the customer is an owner, lessor, lessee, landlord, tenant, or otherwise, as shown on the Village's water, sewer, and trash accounts.
   (d)   Nothing in this section shall operate as a repeal or amendment to prior ordinances with respect to rate charges for water, sewer, and trash services, nor will this section prohibit other remedies or actions the Village may have against delinquent customers and/or their landowners, which are provided in other ordinances, such as the ability to discontinue water service to delinquent customers. (Ord. 1985-24. Passed 11-19-85.)