(a) Curbs and gutters shall be constructed and repaired in the Village in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the Street Commissioner, and as outlined herein.
(b) Curbs and gutters shall be of separate construction, and shall be constructed of concrete or cement well mixed in the proportion of one part of cement to five parts of clean gravel.
(c) Trenches for such curbs and gutters shall be excavated to a width of not less than thirty-six inches below the bottom of the concrete, and the trenches filled with clean gravel to such depth as to provide a bed or foundation three inches in thickness. Curb and gutter forms approved by the Street Commissioner and set to true line and grade by the Street Commissioner shall be laid on the foundation.
(d) Gutters shall be five and one-half inches in thickness at the street side and four and one-half inches in thickness at the lot side. The face or apron of the gutters shall measure twenty-four inches in thickness at the bottom and three inches at its top. The face of such curb shall measure eight inches.
(e) As soon as the concrete has set sufficiently it shall be sprinkled with water and kept moist until it has set sufficiently to be opened to traffic. The contractor shall protect the concrete from damage by rain, pedestrians and animals by means of suitable barricades and coverings and by red lights at night.
(f) With respect to curbs and gutters heretofore laid within the Village not in conformity with the requirements of this section, there is reserved to the Village such rights as are granted to the Village by the statutes of the State to require such walks to be relaid in conformity with the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 1982-4. Passed 5-20-82.)