(A) On the first business day of January following a regular municipal election, the City Council shall meet in the Council chamber at city hall, at an agreed upon time, noticed consistent with Minnesota Open Meeting Law, and, when the newly elected members shall have taken the oath of office, the Council shall proceed to elect from its members a President Pro Tem and shall take further action as may be appropriate for the organization of the city government.
(B) Regular meetings of the City Council shall be held on the second and fourth Monday of each month beginning at an agreed upon time, noticed consistent with Minnesota Open Meeting Law in the Council chamber in city hall; provided, that when any day falls upon a legal holiday, the Council may fix another day for the meeting.
(1973 Code, § 2-11) (Ord. 531, passed 2-23-2012; Ord. 589, passed 1-25-2021)
Charter reference:
Administration of city affairs by the Council, see Charter Chapter 6
City Clerk being secretary of the Council, having duty to keep a journal of Council proceedings, and the like, see Charter § 3.02
Composition of City Council and election and term of members, see Charter § 2.03
Conflicts of interest, see Charter, § 12.03
Council performing the duties of administrative boards and commissions usually performed by independent bodies, except as to functions jointly shared with other political subdivisions, see Charter § 2.02
Election and powers of President Pro Tem, see Charter § 2.06
Filling vacancies in Council membership, see Charter § 2.05
Granting of franchises, see Charter Chapter 10
Incompatible offices, see Charter § 2.04
Meetings of the City Council, see Charter § 3.01
Operation of public utilities, see Charter Chapter 11
Powers and duties of Council relating to taxation and finances, see Charter Chapter 7
Presiding officer, Mayor and President Pro Tem, see Charter § 12.02
Procedures of the Council, see Charter Chapter 3
Salaries of Council members, see Charter § 2.07
Statutory reference:
Duties of Mayor as presiding officer of the Council, see M.S. §§ 410.19 and 410.20
Duties of Recorder of the Council, see M.S. §§ 410.22 and 410.61
Mayor, Council members and Recorder of the Council being peace officers with common law powers of constables, see M.S § 410.37
Meetings of Council and organization in cities of the fourth class, see M.S. § 410.21 and in all cities, see M.S. Chapter 13D
Numerous specific powers and duties of the Council, see M.S § 410.40