There is hereby created and established a Lehi City parks, trails and trees advisory committee (PTTAC). The following provisions shall apply to the committee:
A. Appointment: The mayor shall appoint and the city council approve a parks, trails and trees advisory committee consisting of seven (7) voting members, all of whom must be residents of the city. Other nonvoting members of the committee may be appointed by the mayor as needed.
B. Term Of Office:
1. All members shall serve a term of three (3) years.
2. No member may serve more than three (3) consecutive terms.
3. In the event that a vacancy shall occur during the term of any member, a successor shall be appointed for the remaining portion of the term.
C. Chairperson: At an annual organizational meeting, the members of the committee shall elect one of their members as chair and one of their members as vice chair. In the absence of the chair, the vice chair shall act as chair and shall have all powers of the chair. The chair shall serve a term as per the bylaws of the committee.
D. Receipt Of Gifts And Bequests: The PTTAC, on behalf of and with the consent of the city council, shall have the authority to receive gifts or bequests for the purchase and planting of trees and shrubs along any street, avenue or public property and fund other special events sponsored by the committee. Such gifts or bequests shall be received by the city treasurer and conveyed into a special fund for the purposes set out in this chapter.
E. Compensation: Members of the PTTAC may be compensated on a per diem basis, based upon meetings actually attended and reasonable and necessary expenses, as determined by the city council. (2015 Code)
The committee shall be an advisory body to the mayor, city council, planning commission, department heads, and other city employees in making decisions regarding the needs and management of the city parks, open space, trails and trees. The committee shall report to, and is accountable to the mayor and city council. The committee shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
A. To assist in the development and administration of a community tree management program for Lehi City.
B. To adopt bylaws, policies, procedures and regulations for the conduct of its duties and meetings, for consideration of items brought before the committee, and for any other purposes deemed necessary for the functioning of the committee; provided, that such bylaws, policies, procedures and regulations shall be approved by the city council before taking effect.
C. To review development applications in an advisory capacity that include elements pertaining to parks, trails, open space and/or community forestry, and provide recommendations to the planning commission and city council regarding the applications.
D. To develop and maintain a street tree and landscape tree selection guide.
E. To assist the city's department heads in establishing educational and information programs.
F. To assist the city's department heads in the establishment and maintenance of a street tree inventory database and mapping.
G. In cooperation with the Lehi City historic preservation commission, to identify and mark notable or historic trees for preservation.
H. To assist the city's department heads in scheduling and planning of an annual Arbor Day observance. (2015 Code)