A requisition is designed to assist city personnel in initiating the first step in the purchasing process. A requisition shall be used as follows:
   (A)   The requirements of a department in connection with a purchase shall first be determined by the department head, under the supervision of the City Manager and consistent with the department's budget as set forth in the city's annual appropriation ordinance.
   (B)   Each department is responsible for obtaining at least three quotes for items and/or services to be purchased if the total cost of such items and/or services exceeds $2,500. Formal advertising, receipt and consideration of bids, as well as formal City Council approval is required for all purchases exceeding $50,000, unless otherwise set forth herein.
   (C)   If the purchase and or service was through formal advertisement and receipt by the city of a formal bid, the department shall indicate the bid number on the requisition description. Purchases from "blanket bids," in which prices for goods or services which may or may not be ultimately purchased during a specified time period are received from various vendors, shall also indicate the bid number.
   (D)   Requisitions for purchases shall be prepared by an authorized member of a department utilizing the on-line computer requisition system which shall include a description of the items or services to be purchased, the quantity of items or services to be purchased, the per unit cost of items to be purchased or hourly rate of services to be rendered, vendor, budget line item account number and if applicable, the source and a summary of any quotes obtained.
   (E)   An authorized member of a department shall advise the purchasing agent of the need to purchase supplies, services and/or other commodities and any and all relevant time factors involved.
   (F)   A department head shall only assign account numbers to the appropriate purchase, and determine that sufficient appropriation exists in that account number. If there are not sufficient funds appropriated in the departmental budget to make a necessary purchase of items or services, the department head shall request that the City Auditor move needed amounts from other line items of the department's annual appropriation to the line item where funds are required, or may request supplemental appropriation consideration by City Council.
   (G)   If the purchase is from the state bid list, the description on the purchase order shall indicate the state bid number and a copy of the documentation shall be attached to the requisition prior to the purchase order being created. Purchases from the state bid list are not required to be advertised, and no other quotes from other vendors are required for purchases from the state bid list as noted in § 131.09.
   (H)   A requisition shall be initiated with sufficient time to allow adequate review and preparation by the Purchasing Division and authorization process by the City Manager and City Auditor, and if required, adoption by City Council.
   (I)   All purchases for goods or services totaling over $50,000 shall be approved by City Council.
   (J)   The Purchasing Agent shall review all requisitions and shall verify in writing that all information stated on the requisition is correct, funds are available to make the purchase without exceeding the line item amount approved in the annual budget ordinance and that the account number is valid and appropriate.
(Ord. 9626, passed 11-27-07; Am. Ord. 2013-040, passed 4-9-13; Am. Ord. 2015-006, passed 1-27-15)