(A)   Before any building sewer is constructed, repaired, altered, or connection made to an existing sewer, a permit must be obtained from the City Engineer, and fees paid as set forth in Chapter 1304 of this code. The owner of the property is responsible for applying and paying for all required permits to complete the project.
   (B)   The person applying for a permit must furnish the name of the subdivision, the number of the lot, the street on which the lot is located, the house number, the name of the contractor doing the work and other data affecting sewer flows. All costs and expense incident to the installation and connection shall be borne by the owner.
   (C)   The person to whom a permit is issued will be held responsible for the proper installation of the building sewer and its connection to the public sewer in accordance with the rules and regulations contained herein.
(Am. Ord. 8784, passed 7-8-03)