Small recreational fires as described in section 7-3-2 of this chapter may be conducted without a burn permit provided such recreational fire is conducted in a safe manner and in keeping with the provisions of this chapter. Any recreational fire exceeding the size restrictions described in subsection A1 of this section, will constitute a "bonfire" and may not be conducted without a permit.
   A.   The following rules and conditions shall apply to all recreational fires:
      1.   Location: Recreational fires must be contained in an appropriate pit below grade, or containment ring or structure of non-combustible material such as metal or stone, and covered with a grate or screen not to exceed one-half inch (1/2") mesh. Such pit, ring or containment must be located at least twenty five feet (25') from a structure or combustible material including trees and shrubbery, and be at least fifteen feet (15') from any portable or mobile property such as vehicles, recreational vehicles, tents, or movable structures. Recreational fires shall not exceed three feet (3') in diameter and two feet (2') in height.
      2.   Precautions: All adult persons present at a recreational fire shall be responsible to make sure that fire extinguishing equipment, including but not limited to water buckets, shovels or garden hoses are readily available and capable of use to extinguish a recreational fire or its spread.
      3.   Attendance: A competent person over the age of eighteen (18) shall be present at all times at a recreational fire from its start to its extinguishment.
      4.   Recreational Fire Bans: Although recreational fires are allowed without a permit, the Mayor and City Council and/or the Lava Hot Springs City Fire Chief may declare a temporary ban on recreational fires if in their sole discretion such ban is deemed to be necessary to avoid increased fire hazards due to adverse conditions, environmental or other factors. It is the responsibility of the person or persons conducting such a fire to determine if a moratorium is in place that affects recreational fires.
      5.   Materials: Prohibited materials as identified in section 7-3-3 of this chapter shall not be burned in a recreational fire. (Ord. 2017-5, 2-8-2018)