Adoption of Standard Codes
150.01 International Fire Code
150.02 International Fuel Gas Code
150.03 National Electrical Code
150.04 International Building Code
150.05 International Property Maintenance Code
150.06 International Residential Code
150.07 International Mechanical Code
150.08 International Energy Conservation Code
Dangerous Buildings
150.20 Definitions
150.21 Unfit dwellings and buildings designated
150.22 Persons occupying dwellings or buildings
150.23 Rooming houses
150.24 Nuisance conditions; repair or demolition
150.25 Service of complaints and orders
150.26 Emergencies
Construction Regulations
150.40 Construction of fences
150.41 Installation of sidewalks in certain location
Regulation of Billboards
150.45 Definitions
150.46 Billboards without permits prohibited
150.47 Violations of this subchapter additionally declared to constitute a nuisance
150.48 General penalties
150.49 Provision for administrative review
Moving Buildings
150.55 Housemover’s license; permit
150.56 Application for license
150.57 Cash deposit required
150.58 Application for permit
150.59 Issuance of permit
150.60 Moving wooden buildings within fire limits prohibited
150.61 Notice to utility companies required
150.62 Warning lights required after sunset
150.63 Injury to property
150.64 Indebtedness to city
150.99 Penalty