Any dwelling or rooming house unfit, for human habitation is hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and shall be repaired or demolished and debris removed from site as hereinbefore and hereinafter provided.  The following criteria shall be used in ordering repair or demolition.
   (A)   If the dwelling, building or rooming house shall be found to be unsafe, dangerous or unfit for human habitation in violation of the terms of this subchapter or other ordinances of the city, the City Building Inspector shall serve a notice thereof upon all owners and parties in interest specifying the conditions that render the building or dwelling unsafe, dangerous or unfit for human habitation.  The owner shall repair it or commence demolition within 15 days.
   (B)   If the owner fails to comply with an order of the Building Inspector hereunder, the Building Inspector may cause such building to be repaired, altered, or improved, or to be vacated or closed, and he or she may cause to be placed on the building so closed a plaque with the following words: “This Building Is Unfit For Human Habitation.  The Use Or Occupation Of This Building For Human Habitation Is Prohibited And Unlawful.”
   (C)   If the owner fails to comply with an order to repair or demolish, the City Attorney is authorized to commence legal action seeking a court order authorizing demolition or repair of the dwelling, building or structure.  It shall not be a defense to this cause of action that the dwelling, building or structure is boarded up or otherwise enclosed.
   (D)   The amount of costs of such repairs, alterations, or improvements, or vacating and closing and demolition and the costs of suit including a reasonable attorney’s fee shall be and become a lien against said real estate.  The City Building Inspector may cause a claim for lien in a form approved by the City Attorney, to be filed of record as an instrument relating to land titles, which lien shall be superior to all prior existing liens and encumbrances, except taxes.
(Ord. 1138, passed 7-13-1987)  Penalty, see § 150.99