Any dwelling or building which has any or all of the following defects shall be deemed unfit for human habitation.
   (A)   Any dwelling or building whose walls or vertical members list, lean, or buckle to such an extent that a plumb line suspended from the top edge of such member shall fall outside of a distance from the edge equal to 1/3 of the thickness of such members, per each 10 feet of height from the ground, unless initially designed to support such deviation.
   (B)   Any dwelling or building which has support member or members which have deteriorated to such an extent as to be unable to safely support the applied loads or which have 40% damage or deterioration of the nonsupporting, enclosed, or outside walls covering.
   (C)   Any dwelling or building which has improperly distributed loads upon the floors or roofs or in which the same are overloaded or which have insufficient strength to be reasonably safe for the purpose used.
   (D)   Any dwelling or building which has been damaged by fire, wind or other causes so as to have become dangerous to life, safety, morals, or the general health and welfare of the occupants or may cause or aid in the spread of disease or injury to the health of the occupants or neighboring structures.
   (E)   Any dwelling or building which has parts thereof which are so attached that they may fall and injure persons or property.
   (F)   Any dwelling or building which does not have an unobstructed means of egress leading to an open space at ground level.
   (G)   Any dwelling or building which does not have ventilation provided by openable doors or windows equal to 4.5% of total floor area of each room, except where there is supplied forced air ventilation complying with all applicable laws and ordinances.
   (H)   Any dwelling or building having rooms with the ceiling height less than 7 feet throughout ½ of the area of such room.  Any portion of a room having a ceiling height less than 5 feet high shall not be considered in computing the total floor area of such room.
   (I)   Any dwelling or building which has wiring that is dangerous due to lack of insulation, improper fuses, inadequate grounding, lack of capacity of wires or other dangerous condition.
   (J)   Any dwelling or building which does not have an installed kitchen sink in each dwelling unit properly connected to the hot and cold water supply pipes and the sewer system.
   (K)   Any dwelling which does not have an installed tub or shower and lavatory property connected to hot and cold water supply pipes and sewer system.
   (L)   Any dwelling which does not have a flush type water closet located in a room affording privacy and property connected to the water supply pipes and sewer system.
   (M)   Any dwelling or building which does not have installed electric lighting facilities consisting of at least 2 separate wall-type convenience outlets or 1 ceiling-type fixture and 1 wall-type outlet for every habitable room installed in accordance with the electrical ordinance of the city.
   (N)   Any dwelling or building which does not have either central heating, fireproof flues or fireproof vents.  All heating equipment whether installed by owner or occupant must be vented and maintained in good order and repair.
   (O)   Any dwelling or building which, because of faulty construction, age, lack of proper repair or any other cause, is especially liable to fire and constitutes or creates a fire hazard.
   (P)   Any dwelling or building which has been so damaged by fire, wind, flood or the elements or has become so deteriorated as to become an attractive nuisance to children who might play in or about the dwelling or building to their danger.
   (Q)   Any dwelling or building which shall become vacant deteriorated or open at door or window, leaving the interior of the dwelling or building exposed to the elements or accessible to entrance by vagrants or trespassers.
(Ord. 1138, passed 7-13-1987)