Except pursuant to Section § 111.36 or § 111.41, no peddler or commercial solicitor shall remain in the same place or within reasonably close proximity to the same place except when in the act of expeditiously showing goods or expeditiously selling goods to or purchasing goods or taking orders from a customer. Any peddler or commercial solicitor remaining in the same place or reasonably close proximity to the same place upon the public right-of-way for longer than 5 minutes when goods are on display or available for sale without sales activity shall be presumed not to be engaged in expeditiously showing goods or expeditiously selling goods to or purchasing goods or taking orders from a customer.
(Ord. 1658, passed 3-22-1999; Am. Ord. 2287, passed 7-25-2011; Am. Ord. 2358, passed 7-17-2012)  Penalty, see  § 111.99