General Provisions
110.01 Short title
110.02 Definitions
110.03 Zoning
Licensing and Sales Regulations
110.15 License required
110.16 Application
110.17 Restriction of licenses
110.18 Bond required
110.19 Term of license
110.20 Classification; fees
110.21 Limitation on number of licenses
110.22 Disposition of fees
110.23 Record of license
110.24 Posting of license
110.25 Temporary license
110.26 Transfer of license
110.27 Change of location
110.28 Hours
110.29 Days of restricted sales
110.30 Location restrictions
110.31 Revocation of license
110.32 Sanitation
110.33 Prohibited sales
110.34 Drunkenness on premises prohibited
110.35 Notice not to sell
110.36 Clubs must obtain license
110.37 Emergency closing
110.38 Employment restrictions
110.39 Display of warning cards to minors
110.50 Unlawful to peddle alcohol
110.51 Misrepresentation of age
110.52 Loitering by minors
110.53 Public consumption
110.54 Open container in public
110.55 Licensee may not permit removal of open container; sign required
110.56 Open container in motor vehicle
110.57 Inspections
110.99 Penalty