General Provisions
34.01 Fiscal year
34.02 Borrowing money; limitation
34.03 Annual appropriations
34.04 Limitation of expenditures
34.05 No contract without appropriation
34.06 Contracts and purchases
34.07 Depository of funds
Investment Policy
34.20 Policy
34.21 Scope
34.22 Prudence
34.23 Objective
34.24 Delegation of authority
34.25 Ethics
34.26 Authorized financial dealers and institutions
34.27 Authorized and suitable investments
34.28 Collateralization
34.29 Safekeeping and custody
34.30 Diversification
34.31 Maximum maturities
34.32 Internal control
34.33 Performance standards
34.34 Reporting; statement of market value
34.35 Investment policy adoption; annual review
34.45 Annual tax levy
34.46 Manner of collecting taxes
34.47 Uniformity of taxation
34.48 Hotel/motel renting tax
34.49 Municipal automobile renting occupation tax
34.50 Municipal automobile renting use tax
34.51 Municipal replacement vehicle tax
34.52 Home rule municipal retailers’ occupation tax and non-home rule municipal service occupation tax
34.53 Municipal use tax
34.54 Municipal utility tax
34.55 Special tax for garbage
34.56 Tax for chlorination of sewage
34.57 Tax for police pension
34.59 Municipal natural gas use tax
34.60 Municipal cannabis retailers’ occupation tax
34.99 Penalty