10.80.020   Discretionary Permits and Actions.
   A.   Administrative Permits and Approvals. Except as specified in Section 10.82.070 (Initial Application Review), the Director shall be the designated review authority for the following permits and approvals, in compliance with Table 6-1 (Review Authority) and Table 6-2 (Review Authority for Site Plan and Design Review). Additionally, the Director has primary administrative authority over certain activities which require the determination of compliance with applicable zoning provisions.
      1.   Minor Use Permits. An administrative permit authorizing the operation of a specific use of land or a structure in a particular location in compliance with the provisions of this Zoning Code (Chapter 10.84 [Conditional Use Permits and Minor Use Permits]).
      2.   Minor Variances. An administrative action granting exception to the development standards of this Zoning Code in cases where strict compliance would result in a unique hardship in compliance with (Chapter 10.98 [Variances and Minor Variances]).
      3.   Reasonable Accommodations. An administrative permit authorizing limited modifications to residential properties to accommodate a person with specified disabilities and physical limitations in compliance with specific criteria and performance standards (Chapter 10.90 [Reasonable Accommodations]).
      4.   Sign Permits. An administrative permit authorizing a variety of signs for promotional advertising in compliance with specific provisions and conditions of this Zoning Code (Section 10.34.060 [Permit Required]). Temporary signs may also be approved in conjunction with a Temporary Use Permit (Chapter 10.96 [Temporary Use Permits]).
      5.   Site Plan and Design Review. An administrative review process providing for review of projects for compliance with the provisions of this Zoning Code andcompliance with any site plan or architectural design guidelines adopted by the City (Chapter 10.94 [Site Plan and Design Review]).
      6.   Temporary Use Permits. An administrative permit authorizing specific limited-term uses in compliance with specified conditions and performance criteria identified in Chapter 10.96 (Temporary Use Permits).
      7.   Zoning Clearances. An administrative plan check process of nonexempt uses and structures that do not otherwise require review to determine compliance with applicable provisions of this Zoning Code (Chapter 10.100 [Zoning Clearances]).
      8.   Zoning Code Interpretations/Determinations. An administrative interpretation of certain provisions of this Zoning Code in an effort to resolve perceived ambiguities in the regulations and to ensure their consistent application (Chapter 10.04 [Interpretation of the Zoning Code]).
   B.   Commission Permits and Approvals. Except as specified in Section 10.82.030 (Multiple Permit Applications), the Commission is the designated review authority for the following permits and approvals. A public hearing is required for the following Commission actions in compliance with Chapter 10.116 (Public Notices and Hearings):
      1.   Conditional Use Permits. A permit authorizing the operation of a specific use of land or a structure in a particular location in compliance with the provisions of this Zoning Code (Chapter 10.84 [Conditional Use Permits and Minor Use Permits]).
      2.   Planned Development Permits. A permit authorizing a special plan addressing the development of land that may not conform to the underlying zoning map or district regulations, but which complies with the goals and policies of the General Plan for a particular area (Chapter 10.88 [Planned Development Permits]).
      3.   Variances. An action granting exception to the development standards of this Zoning Code in cases where strict compliance would result in a unique hardship in compliance with (Chapter 10.98 [Variances and Minor Variances]).
      4.   Abatement/Extension of Nonconforming Uses/Structures. An action requiring the abatement or authorizing the extension of nonconforming uses or structures in compliance with provisions of Article 5 [Nonconformities]).
   C.   Legislative Actions. The designated review authority for all legislative actions is the Council. A public hearing is required for the following legislative actions in compliance with Chapter 10.116 (Public Notices and Hearings):
      1.   Development Agreements and Amendments. An agreement between the City and a party with legal or equitable interest in the real property relating to the development of property in compliance with Chapter 10.118 (Development Agreements).
      2.   General Plan Text/Map Amendments. An action authorizing either a text amendment to the General Plan or a map amendment changing the General Plan land usedesignation of particular property(s) in compliance with Chapter 10.112 (Amendments).
      3.   Specific Plans and Amendments. A regulatory document prepared in compliance with Government Code Section 65450 et seq. for the systematic implementation of the General Plan for a particular area (Chapter 10.120 [Specific Plans]).
      4.   Zoning Code Text/Map Amendments. An action authorizing either a text amendment to this Zoning Code or a map amendment changing the zoning designation of particular property in compliance with the General Plan (Chapter 10.112 [Amendments]).
   D.   Subdivisions and Other Building Regulations. In addition to the permits listed in this Zoning Code, regulations governing the subdivision of land are established in Municipal Code Title 11 (Division of Land Ordinance). Provisions for construction and building are established in Municipal Code Title 8 (Building Regulations). (Ord. 935 § 3 (part), 2015)