10.30.160   Parking Lot Landscaping.
   A.   Applicability. The requirements of this Section shall apply to all zones except the R-E, R-1, and R-2 zones.
   B.   Minimum Landscaping. A minimum of five percent of all off-street parking areas, including vehicle sales lots and service station sites, shall be landscaped with trees and other suitable plants and shall be permanently maintained. No required setback areas shall be included in the five percent calculation. The landscape material shall consist of a combination of groundcover, shrubs, flowering plants, and trees.
   C.   Buffer along Public Right-of-way. All off-street parking areas shall be buffered from any adjacent public right-of-way per Section 10.30.100.B.
   D.   Planting Areas. All landscaping shall be contained within planting areas. Each planting area shall be bound by a concrete curb having a minimum height and width of not less than six inches. Raised planters constructed of similar materials may be permitted and shall be subject to review and approval by the responsible Review Authority. Landscape planter areas shall be located and distributed throughout the parking lot.
   E.   Permanent Water Irrigation Systems. All planting areas shall be served by a permanent water irrigation system. Such irrigation system shall comply with the Water Efficient Landscaping guidelines in Section 10.32.120 (Landscape Installation and Maintenance Standards).
   F.   Off-Street Parking Areas with 10 or More Parking Spaces. Off-street parking areas with 10 or more parking spaces shall comply with the following.
      1.   Planting in parking areas shall consist of water-efficient evergreen shade trees, groundcover, low shrubs, flowering plants, and mulch to provide 100 percent coverage of required landscape areas. Trees shall be a minimum of 15 gallons in size and six feet in height at the time of planting, and shall be of a variety that is fast growing and capable of providing maximum shade coverage.
      2.   All interior and perimeter rows of parking spaces shall be provided with curbed planting islands to provide suitable planting areas for shade trees. Planting islands shall be a minimum of six feet wide and shall contain at least one tree for every four parking spaces in the row which the island is serving.
      3.   Perimeter landscaping shall be located along parking lot edges not abutting a right-of-way. Such landscaping areas shall be not less than six feet wide and shall contain at least one tree for each 30 linear feet of planting. A narrower perimeter strip may be provided and the tree requirement may be modified, at the discretion of the Director, if lot size or configuration cannot support a six-foot perimeter strip.
      4.   Landscaping fronting a street (except alleyways) shall include a minimum of one tree for every 30 feet of frontage, plus shrub planting which provides a visual screen of three to four feet in height within two years of planting.
      5.   Landscaping within interior parking areas shall have a continuous curbed island, not less than five feet wide, provided between each row of parking spaces. The island shall incorporate a minimum of one tree per four parking spaces and ground cover or shrub planting to provide one hundred percent coverage within two years of planting. Trees shall be provided with root control barriers.
      6.   All tree wells shall have minimum dimensions of five feet by five feet.
      7.   Terminal islands shall be a minimum of four feet wide and shall contain at least one tree for each row of parking spaces for which the island is serving.
   G.   Landscape Requirements - All Development. Commercial, industrial, and institutional developments shall comply with specific landscape requirements in Section 10.32.090 (Landscape Requirements - Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Developments); and residential developments shall comply with specific landscape requirements in Section 10.32.100 (Landscape Requirements - Residential Development).
(Ord. 935 § 3 (part), 2015)