5.56.080 Public right-of-way.
   (a)   Each state franchise holder that desires to provide video services by means of a network proposed to be constructed within the city’s public right-of-way shall comply, to the extent permitted by law, with the regulatory provisions applicable to telecommunication corporations set forth in subsections (b) and (c) of Section 5.52.330 of Chapter 5.52 of Title 5 of the La Puente Municipal Code. In addition to such regulatory provisions, the following shall apply to each state franchise holder applying for an encroachment permit:
      (1)   Any encroachment permit application submitted by a state franchise holder shall be approved or denied within sixty days of receipt by the city of a completed application. An application for an encroachment permit is complete when the state franchise holder has complied with all statutory requirements, including CEQA, pursuant to California Public Utilities Code Section 5885.
      (2)   The sixty-day time period for approval or denial of an encroachment permit application may be extended if mutually agreed to in a written agreement between the state franchise holder and the city.
      (3)   Any denial of an encroachment permit application submitted to any state franchise holder by the city shall be written and shall include a detailed explanation of the reason for the denial.
      (4)   Any state franchise holder may appeal a denial of an encroachment permit application to the City Council.
(Ord. 08-871 § 1 (part), 2008)