Impact Fees
1345.01   Legislative findings.
1345.02   Short title and applicability.
1345.03   Intent and purposes.
1345.04   Rules of construction.
1345.05   Definitions.
1345.06   Imposition of Fire/EMS System Impact Fee.
1345.07   Computation of the amount of Fire/EMS system improvement fee.
1345.08   Payment of fee.
1345.09   Fire/EMS System Impact Fee Districts.
1345.10   Fire/EMS system impact fee trust funds established.
1345.11   Use of funds.
1345.12   Refund of fees paid.
1345.13   Exemptions from payment of impact fees.
1345.14   Credits against payment of impact fees.
1345.15   Review and termination of districts.
1345.16   Penalty provisions.
1345.17   Appeals.
1345.18   Repealer and liberal construction.
1345.19   Severability.
1345.20   Effective date.