(a)   The following shall be exempted from payment of the impact fee:
      (1)   Alterations or expansion of an existing building where no additional single-family or multi-family units are created, where the use is not changed, and where no additional demand for fire/EMS will be produced over and above those produced by the existing use.
      (2)   The replacement of a destroyed or partially destroyed building or structure with a new building or structure of the same size and use.
      (3)   Any expansion of a single family dwelling unit.
      (4)   The expansion of any building or structure in which the use is other than single family use, and the area of the expansion is less than 1,500 square feet.
      (5)   Any governmental facility or land use by the federal government, by a county government, by a public school district, by a municipality, or by another political subdivision as such subdivision is recognized by the Ohio Revised Code.
      (6)   Developments for which a completed building permit application complying with Building Department’s policies and procedures including required attachments has been submitted and paid for prior to the effective date of this ordinance. The Building Official may reject any building permit applications which do not comply with the City’s policies and procedures.
      (7)   Upon approval by the City, a feepayer may waiver his/her exemption rights and voluntarily make payment of the appropriate fee and in such event the feepayer shall comply with all applicable provisions of this ordinance.
      (8)   Contracts or agreements to purchase a single residential unit by an owner and resident of the unit executed prior to the effective date of this ordinance are exempt.
      (9)   Any Federal Housing Tax Credit applications that are filed with the Ohio Housing Finance Agency prior to the effective date of the ordinance are exempt.
   (b)   Any claim of exemption must be made prior to or at the same time as the submission of the application for a building permit. Any claim not so made shall be deemed waived.
(Ord. 24-05. Passed 5-23-05.)