21.114.040 Proceedings.
   (a)   Standards of Review. Site plan review shall be conducted after an application has been deemed complete (Chapter 21.84). Upon receiving a complete application, the community development director or designee shall consider the location, design, site plan configuration, setbacks from all property lines, land coverage, building height and bulk, landscaping, access, parking, circulation, and the overall effect of the proposed project upon its surroundings, as set forth in Section 21.114.050 below. Site plan review shall be conducted by utilizing applicable general plan policies, any applicable specific plan or planned development, adopted development standards, design guidelines, and other applicable city ordinances and regulations.
   (b)   Modifications and Action. Within fifteen days of receiving a completed application, the community development director or designee shall review the application for compliance with the provision of this chapter and title, and shall prepare and mail to the applicant a site plan review letter specifying any required modifications. The applicant shall be provided the opportunity to make the required modifications and to provide revised materials to the community development director for subsequent review. Within fifteen days of receiving revised materials, the community development director shall act to approve the application, approve the application subject to conditions and modifications, or deny the application.
(Ord. 612 Exhibit A (part), 2008).