21.114.050 Considerations in review of application.
   (a)   Purpose. This section establishes the criteria that will be used by the community development director or designee to focus site plan review and assist in the development of conditions and required modifications. These criteria shall be used in combination with the requirements set forth in this title for the zoning district in which the project is located.
   (b)   General.
      (1)   The development shall create a pleasant character and be harmonious with the past development.
      (2)   The development shall minimize disruption of existing natural features such as trees and other vegetation and natural ground forms.
      (3)   The development shall illustrate a design compatibility with the desired developing character of the surrounding area.
   (c)   Building and Site Planning Relationships.
      (1)   The building site shall avoid crowding structures and allow for a functional use of space between buildings.
      (2)   The building or buildings shall reflect attention to shadows, changing climatic conditions, and noise impacts.
      (3)   The building design exterior facade and architectural features (including window types, entrance areas, porches, chimneys, and the use of building modulation) shall complement and blend in with the surrounding area.
      (4)   Building height, profile of the structures, building materials, finishes, and colors on exterior surfaces, and roof designs and materials shall complement the surrounding area.
   (d)   Site Design.
      (1)   The orientation of building(s) and site layout shall be compatible with the surrounding area, including entrances, parking areas, driveways, landscape areas, setbacks, trash enclosures, and common and private recreation areas (multiple-family development).
      (2)   The scale and bulk of building(s) shall be compatible with the surrounding area.
      (3)   Pedestrian walkways and paving materials shall be clearly indicated in the circulation design.
      (4)   Loading and unloading areas shall provide for adequate ingress and egress.
      (5)   Lighting for safety of pedestrians and vehicles shall be integrated into the design elements of the building(s) and landscaping.
      (6)   Art work, including sculpture, murals, fountains, and other ornamental or decorative features for scale, design, shall be compatible with the surrounding properties.
   (e)   Circulation.
      (1)   The development shall minimize impacts on surrounding properties and streets and accommodate emergency vehicles.
      (2)   The development shall create a circulation system that avoids conflicts among vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian traffic.
      (3)   The development shall accommodate individuals with physical disabilities via the provision of conveniently located handicapped parking stalls, ramps and the like.
   (f)   Landscaping.
      (1)   The development shall design landscaping to create a pleasing appearance from both within and off the site.
      (2)   The development shall ensure landscaping accommodates adequate sight distances for motorists and pedestrians entering and exiting the site and does not interfere with circulation effectiveness.
   (g)   Buffering.
      (1)   Adequate screening shall be provided for exterior trash and storage areas and service yards from view of adjacent streets and structures in a manner that is compatible with building site design.
      (2)   Adequate buffering shall be provided to minimize the noise within the project as well as noise created by the proposed project (traffic, air conditioning, use, etc.) that may negatively impact the surrounding area.
(Ord. 612 Exhibit A (part), 2008).