§ 27-902. Nonconforming Uses.
Except as provided in this Part, any use existing at the effective date of this Chapter, which does not conform with the provisions of this Chapter, shall comply with the following:
      A.   Continuation. Any use of structure or of land legally existing on the effective date of this Chapter may be continued although such use may not conform to the provisions of this Chapter except as otherwise herein provided.
      B.   Expansion. The following standards shall apply to nonconforming uses:
         (1)   No currently conforming use shall be enlarged or increased in a manner which will further violate any area, bulk and height regulations imposed by the zoning district in which it is located.
         (2)   No nonconforming use may be expanded unless it has been approved by the Zoning Hearing Board.
         (3)   The proposed expansion shall not exceed 50% of the area used at the time this Chapter became effective.
         (4)   The proposed expansion shall not cause an increased detrimental effect on surrounding properties.
         (5)   The proposed expansion shall conform to off street parking requirements.
         (6)   The proposed expansion shall not be detrimental to or alter, or intend to alter, the character of the existing neighborhood.
         (7)   No nonconforming use shall be enlarged or increased upon ground not owned, leased or under option to purchase at the time of the passage of this Chapter.
      C.   Change in Use. Once changed to a conforming use, no structure or land shall be permitted to revert to a nonconforming use. A nonconforming use may be changed to another nonconforming use only under the following conditions:
         (1)   The applicant shall show that the nonconforming use cannot reasonably be changed to a use permitted in the district where it is located, due to the peculiar circumstances presented by the lot, building or structure.
         (2)   The applicant shall show that the proposed change will be less objectionable in external effects than the existingnonconforming use with respect to:
            (a)   Traffic generation and congestion.
            (b)   Noise, smoke, dust, noxious matter, beat, glare and vibration.
            (c)   Storage and waste disposal.
            (d)   External appearance.
(Ord. 3/9/1993B, § 901)