1. Water Supply System. An adequate supply of water shall be provided for mobile homes, service buildings and other accessory facilities. Where a public water supply system of satisfactory quantity, quality and pressure is available, connection shall be made to it and its supply shall be used exclusively. Where a satisfactory public water supply system is not available, the applicant shall design, install and maintain a private water supply system according to the standards of and with the approval of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. [Ord. 12/10/2001]
2. Fire Hydrants. Fire hydrants shall be provided in accordance with § 22-418 of this Chapter.
3. Sewage Disposal System. An adequate sewage system shall be provided in all mobile home parks for conveying and disposing of sewage. Mobile home parks shall be connected to public or a private sewer system. Private sewage system shall be designed, installed and maintained according to the standards of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. [Ord.12/10/2001)]
4. Other Utility Systems. Telephone, electric, television cable, natural or bottled gas, fuel oil or other utilities shall be provided in accordance with plans approved by the Township Supervisors and the utility company. Underground installation of utility lines is required for approval of the mobile home park proposal.
5. Service and Other Auxiliary Park Buildings. Buildings required for the management, servicing and maintenance of the park and well-being of the park residents, including a community building, shall be allowed within the mobile home park boundaries. The entire area of these buildings shall be used exclusively for the use, management, servicing and maintenance requirements of the park.
6. Solid Waste Collection and Disposal. The developer shall present information explaining the proposed method of solid waste collection and disposal. If such method is not deemed sufficient, an alternate method shall be proposed by the applicant.
(Ord. 3/9/1993A, § 603; as amended by Ord. 12/10/2001)