1. Minimum Park Area. Each mobile home park shall have a gross area of at least 2 contiguous acres of land suitable for development.
2. Grading and Ground Cover Requirements.
A. The developer shall retain existing vegetation to the greatest extent possible in order to prevent soil erosion.
B. A stormwater management plan shall be submitted in accordance with § 22-409 of this Chapter.
3. Mobile Home Park Lot Requirements.
A. Gross Density. The maximum number of mobile home lots within every mobile home park shall be no more than four lots per acre of the gross area.
B. Minimum Lot Sizes. The mobile home lot shall contain no less than 6,000 square feet. The minimum width of any mobile home lot shall be 60 feet.
C. Innovative Site Design. Variations in lot size may be permitted for innovative site plans, provided gross density requirements are met.
4. Setbacks, Buffer Strips and Screening Requirements.
A. Setbacks from Public Roads. All mobile homes and auxiliary structures shall be located at least 75 feet from the centerline of any abutting public road or street.
B. Park Perimeter Buffer Strips. All mobile homes and auxiliary structures shall be located at least 50 feet from the mobile home park boundary lines. If a suitable attractive, effective screening either manmade or of natural plantings is provided along the perimeter, this minimum buffer strip may be reduced to 25 feet.
C. Existing Hedgerows. Developers shall utilize existing hedgerows as buffer, wherever possible.
D. Adjacent Commercial or Industrial Zones. All mobile home parks located adjacent to industrial or commercial land uses or zone districts shall have a buffer yard of 50 foot width consisting of fencing, trees and shrubbery. Fencing may be waived by the Planning Commission where a sufficiently dense existing hedgerow is utilized as the buffer. In the event that the performance zoning and buffer yard design standards set forth in the Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27] are followed by the developer then the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27] shall supersede this Section.
E. Adjacent Agricultural Use of Zone. Proposed mobile home parks located adjacent to agricultural use zones shall have a buffer yard of 75 foot width consisting of a plantation of trees, in accordance with § 22-411(6) of this Chapter. In the event that the performance zoning and buffer yard design standards set forth in the Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27] are followed by the developer then the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27] shall supersede this Section.
F. Screening. Requirements Within the Mobile Home Park. Repair, maintenance and storage areas or buildings shall be effectively and attractively screened from the mobile home lots and streets by manmade screens or natural plant materials.
5. Recreation Space Requirements. A minimum of 10% of the gross park area or 1,000 square feet per unit, whichever is larger, shall be provided for recreational or open space. This space shall be suitable for outdoor recreational activity and shall be easily accessible to all park residents. At least one shade tree shall be located in this space.
6. Parking Space Requirements. A minimum of two stabilized vehicle parking spaces shall be provided for each mobile home lot within the mobile home park. These parking spaces shall be located within 200 feet of the mobile home lot which they are intended to serve.
7. Mobile Home Park Internal Street Requirements. Each mobile home lot must have access to the mobile home park internal street system. Streets shall be constructed in accordance with the street standards outlined in § 22-407 this Chapter.
8. Mobile Home Lot Improvements. Each lot within the park shall be improved with utility hook-ups. In addition, an all-weather patio with a minimum area of 200 square feet per mobile home shall be provided.
(Ord. 3/9/1993A, § 602)