It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct, engage in, maintain, operate, carry on or manage in any way any business or activity or occupation, for any period of time and at any time without first obtaining a license for such business, activity or occupation and paying the required fee. This license requirement shall not apply to the following businesses, activities, or occupations:
accountants, architects, barbers and cosmetologists, business schools, dentists, doctors, home daycare operators, insurance brokers, land surveyors, lie detector operators, nursing homes, optometrists, pharmacists, physical therapists, podiatrists, professional engineers, psychologists, real estate brokers, shorthand reporters, social workers, structural engineers, veterinarians, water well contractors, and such others as are exempted by operation of state law.
The test to determine whether one or more than one business, activity or occupation is being conducted shall depend on the formalities of ownership of such business, activity or occupation. When a business, activity or occupation operates a licensable activity at more than one location, a separate license shall be required for each location irrespective of ownership considerations. If all buildings containing the principal or accessory uses are connected or are located on the same lot or parcel, and are operated and managed by the same person or owner, and are an establishment with the same zoning code use classification, then the business, activity or occupation shall require only one license. (Ord. 93-12-627, 12-6-1993)