A.   Calculation Of Sign Area:
      1.   The sign area of each sign is the total exposed surface devoted to the sign's message, including all ornamentation, embellishment, symbols, logos, letters, characters, other figures, or frames, whether structural or decorative. The calculation of sign area does not include any supports or bracing. For channel letters or freestanding logos/symbols, the sign area is calculated as the customary, applicable mathematical formula for the total area of each square, circle, ellipse, rectangle, or triangle, or combination thereof, that encompasses each individual letter, logo, background or display.
      2.   Window area for the purpose of calculating maximum area of window signs is calculated as a continuous surface until divided by an architectural or structural element. Mullions are not considered an element that divides window area. Only the individual letters or logos of the window sign shall be used in the calculation of surface area. The transparent film around the perimeter of the individual letters or logos comprising the window sign and used to affix the window sign to the interior or exterior of a windowpane or glass door shall be exempt from the area calculations, provided that such portion of the transparent film maintains one hundred percent (100%) transparency of the window.
      3.   The sign area of a free-form, sculptural (non-planar) sign is calculated as fifty percent (50%) of the sum of the area of the four (4) vertical sides of the smallest three-dimensional regular shape that will encompass the sign.
   B.   Measurement Of Sign Height: For ground signs, sign height is measured as the vertical distance measured from the normal grade at the base of the sign to the highest point of the sign, including any decorative elements. Normal grade shall be construed to be the existing grade prior to construction or the newly established grade after construction, exclusive of any fill, berm, mound, or excavation solely for the purpose of locating the sign, whichever is lower.
   C.   Measurement Of Vertical Clearance: For building-mounted signs, vertical clearance is measured as the vertical distance measured from the ground directly below the sign to the lowest point of the sign.
   D.   Determination Of Number Of Sign Faces: If the interior angle between two (2) sign faces is forty five degrees (45°) or less, the sign area is computed as the area of one (1) face only. If the angle between two (2) sign faces is greater than forty five degrees (45°), the total sign area is computed as the sum of the areas of the two (2) faces.
   E.   Sign Setback: A required sign setback is measured from the applicable lot line to the closest point of the sign.
(Ord. 2017-4-198, 4-17-2017)