A. Drainage Construction Requirements: The following regulations shall apply to any construction on or about a floodplain or where localized floods of record have occurred intermittently in other areas subject to the jurisdiction of the village:
1. Flood Protection Elevation:
a. Residential: Any development of residential building as defined in this chapter shall have the lowest floor, including any basement, not lower than the base flood elevation as defined in this chapter, plus one foot (1').
b. Nonresidential: Any development of nonresidential building as defined in this chapter shall have the lowest floor, including any basement, not lower than the "base flood elevation" as defined in this chapter, plus one foot (1'), or have any portion lower than the "base flood elevation" as defined in this chapter, plus one foot (1') floodproofed in accordance with the provisions hereof.
2. Materials And Methods: Any construction, otherwise permitted by this chapter, occurring below the "base flood elevation", as defined in this chapter, plus one foot (1'), shall utilize flood resistant materials and methods, as follows:
a. Be designed or modified and adequately anchored to prevent flotation, collapse or lateral movement of the structure. (Ord. 1114-83, 5-2-1983)
b. Have the lowest floor (including basement), and all electrical, heating, ventilating, plumbing and air conditioning equipment and utility meters located at or above the floodplain elevation. Water and sewer pipes, electrical and telephone lines, submersible pumps and other waterproofed serviced facilities may be located below the floodplain elevation. (Ord. 88-02-257, 2-15-1988)
c. Be constructed by methods and practices that minimize flood damage to other properties.
d. Have all structural components below the base flood elevation designed to be watertight with walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water and such structural components shall be designed to resist hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and the effects of buoyancy.
3. Roof Drainage Disposal: Roof drainage shall be accomplished by means of downspouts or otherwise with no direct connection to any street, storm or sanitary sewer or combined sewer. Such roof drainage downspouts shall be directed away from the building and shall empty into splashblocks so situated as to minimize or eliminate erosion as the water passes into the lawn or yard or into a seepage well.
4. Foundation Footing Drainage: Foundation footing drainage shall not be permitted to empty into a street, sanitary sewer or combined sewer, but may be drained into a storm sewer or seepage well or pumped for disposal onto the lawn or yard.
5. Floodproofing:
a. Building Protection Requirements: The elevation to which the building is floodproofed is located and certified by the design engineer. It must be at or above the FPE. With watertight floodproofing, all openings such as doors and windows must be above the FPE. Any part of the building subject to flood damage must be above the FPE.
b. Insurance Record Requirements: Watertight floodproofing so certified by a structural engineer or architect. The elevation to which the building is floodproofed.
6. Building Wall Openings: Any doorsill, windowsill or base of any other opening in the outer walls of a main building or other structure shall be erected at an elevation not lower than the "base flood elevation", as defined in this chapter plus three feet (3'), unless provided with a watertight areaway the top of which is not lower than the aforementioned minimum elevation.
7. Outer Walls And Basement Floors: The outer walls, basement floor and areaways below the "base flood elevation", as defined in this chapter, plus three feet (3'), shall be constructed of masonry materials up to the minimum prescribed elevation, designed and constructed to withstand the hydrostatic pressure caused by floodwaters standing above the base flood elevation.
8. Anchorage: Any proposed construction to the extent that it is otherwise permissible shall be designed to be erected so as to assure sufficient anchorage to prevent flotation, collapse or lateral movement of the structure.
9. Sewer Mains: Sanitary sewer lines may be permitted in accordance with other provisions of this chapter, providing all manholes or other aboveground opening located below the flood protection elevation are watertight.
B. Compensatory Storage: For any portion of a floodplain to be authorized for use, the volume of space which will be occupied by the authorized fill or structure below the base flood elevation shall be compensated for and balanced by at least an equal volume of excavation taken from below the base flood elevation. In the case of streams or watercourses, such excavation shall be made opposite or immediately adjacent to the areas so filled or occupied. All such excavations should be constructed to drain freely and openly to the watercourse. All earthmoving in the village shall be pursuant to a permit issued in accordance with applicable ordinances, rules and regulations of the village.
C. Filling Land: Areas permitted for fill shall be constructed as follows:
1. The area to be filled shall be cleared of all standing trees, brush, down timber, trash and other growth or objects unsuitable for use of foundation material. (Ord. 1114-83, 5-2-1983)
2. The fill shall be placed in layers no greater than one foot (1') deep before compaction, and the material shall be approved by the village manager. (Ord. 1114-83, 5-2-1983; amd. Ord. 2012-10-861, 10-1-2012)
3. The final elevation of the fill shall be at or above the FPE. The fill shall extend at least ten feet (10') beyond the foundation of the building where sloping below the FPE.
4. The fill shall be protected against erosion and scour during flooding by vegetation, cover, riprap or bulkheading. If vegetative cover is used, the slopes shall be no steeper than three horizontal to one vertical (3:1).
5. The fill shall not adversely affect the flow of surface drainage from or onto neighboring properties.
D. Other Development Requirements: The village shall take into account flood hazards, to the extent that they are known, in all official actions related to land management use and development:
1. The village shall not approve any annexation agreement or plat of subdivision located outside the corporate limits unless such agreement or plat is in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
2. New subdivisions and planned unit development (PUDs) shall meet the requirements of this chapter. Plats or plans for any new subdivision and planned unit development shall include a signed statement by a registered professional engineer that the plat or plans account for changes in the drainage of surface waters in accordance with the plat act, 765 Illinois Compiled Statutes 205/2.
3. Plats or plans for new subdivisions and planned unit developments shall display the following flood data:
a. The boundary of the special flood hazard area;
b. The boundary of the floodway, if shown on available special flood hazard area maps;
c. The flood protection elevation for each building site where the base flood elevation is not available from existing study filed with the Illinois state water survey. The applicant shall be responsible for calculating the flood protection elevation and submitting it to the state water survey for review and approval as best available elevation data. (Ord. 1114-83, 5-2-1983)
4. Development activities to be undertaken by the village in the special flood hazard area shall comply with this chapter. Except as exempted by law, no other local government shall commence any development activity in a special flood hazard area without first obtaining a development permit from the village manager. (Ord. 1114-83, 5-2-1983; amd. Ord. 2012-10-861, 10-1-2012)