A. Permit Required: No person shall commence any construction, substantial improvement, subdivision of land, placement of mobile homes or other development in areas located in an A zone without first obtaining a permit from the manager of the village of Lake Zurich. The village shall not issue such permit for any construction, substantial improvement or other development that does not comply with the provisions of this chapter or that has been denied a permit required by the federal or state law including section 404 of the federal water pollution control act, 1972, 33 USC 1334. (Ord. 1114-83, 5-2-1983; amd. Ord. 2012-10-861, 10-1-2012)
B. Application For Permit:
1. The application for a building permit for a building or other improvement all or partially within the floodplain shall bear on its face or be accompanied by the following information which shall be recorded in the appropriate village files:
a. Elevation of the lowest floor, including basement or cellar;
b. Elevation to which any structure has been floodproofed;
c. Where the elevation of the lowest floor is below grade on one or more sides, the elevation of the floor immediately above;
d. A survey of the site, prepared by a registered Illinois land surveyor, drawn to scale showing:
(1) Property line dimensions;
(2) Existing grade elevations and all changes in grade resulting from excavation or filling;
(3) The direction of flow of surface drainage and flood flows;
(4) The location of all watercourses and drainage facilities; and
(5) The location and dimensions of all buildings and additions to buildings, including "as built" elevations of lowest floors and floodproofing levels.
2. For development proposals located in an identified floodway or within a riverine SFHA where the floodway has not yet been identified, applicant must present a certification by a registered professional engineer that the development will not:
a. Create a new obstruction to flood flows;
b. Involve a channel crossing;
c. Modify the shape of the channel; and
d. Increase the flood levels during the base flood discharge.
If any of these four (4) situations will result, the applicant shall notify any adjacent community and obtain a permit from the Illinois department of transportation, division of water resources, issued pursuant to 615 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/23. A permit shall not be issued until the applicant has obtained either a section 70 permit or a "waiver of permit required" from the division of water resources. (Ord. 1114-83, 5-2-1983)