A.   Action by the Subdivider: The subdivider shall cause to be prepared a preliminary plan, which shall include all of the property owned or controlled by the applicant, which properties are adjacent to or considered to be contiguous to the proposed subdivision, together with improvement plans and other supplementary material as specified, which shall be submitted to the Village Clerk, with written application for approval. Accompanying this preliminary plan shall be a School Demographic Study, prepared in accordance with Section 10-5-3 of this Chapter. Twenty five (25) copies of the preliminary plan and all accompanying documentations including the School Demographic Study, as well as the required filing fee, shall accompany the application.
   B.   Action by the Plan Commission: The Village Board of Trustees shall, by motion, refer the preliminary plan to the Lake Zurich Plan Commission at least ten (10) days prior to a preliminary hearing of the Plan Commission, and shall, at the same time, instruct the Village Engineer to collaborate with the Plan Commission in assembling plans for the design and construction of streets and other such public improvements as are required by this Title or any other ordinances. The Plan Commission and the Village Engineer shall review the preliminary plan for compliance with these regulations and other ordinances of the Village, and the Plan Commission shall, within two (2) months from the first regular meeting following referral:
      1.   Make Recommendations: Approve or disapprove the proposed preliminary subdivision plan and submit its written recommendations, which shall include the recommendations of the Village Engineer, to the Village Board of Trustees; or
      2.   Advise Subdivider: If the Plan Commission finds that changes, additions or corrections are required on the preliminary plan, the Plan Commission shall so advise the subdivider in writing. The subdivider may resubmit the preliminary plan to the Plan Commission without paying an additional fee for its consideration at the public hearing of the Plan Commission. The Plan Commission shall at that meeting approve or disapprove the preliminary plan and submit its recommendations in writing, which shall include the recommendations of the Village Engineer, to the Village Board of Trustees and the subdivider.
      3.   Notification to Subdivider: The Plan Commission shall notify the owner or subdivider in writing as to the time and place of the Plan Commission meeting at which he will be afforded an opportunity of being heard.
   C.   Action by the Village Board: If the plan is approved by the Plan Commission, the Village Board of Trustees shall accept or reject the plan within one month after its next regular meeting following the action of the Plan Commission. The applicant and the Village Board of Trustees may mutually agree to extend the one month period.
      1.   Qualifications of Approval: The following qualifications shall govern approval of the preliminary plan:
         a.   Approval of a preliminary plan by the Lake Zurich Plan Commission and the Village Board of Trustees is tentative only, involving merely the general acceptability of the layout as submitted.
         b.   The Lake Zurich Plan Commission and Village Board of Trustees may require such changes or revisions as are deemed necessary in the interest of the needs of the community.
         c.   Approval of the preliminary plan shall be effective for a maximum period of one year, unless upon application of the developer, the Village Board of Trustees grants an extension. The application for the extension shall not require an additional filing fee, or the submittal of additional copies of the plan of the subdivision.
      2.   Notice of Approval Required: Upon approval of the preliminary plan by the Board of Trustees, the following notice of approval shall be stamped upon four (4) prints thereof, and required signatures affixed.