A.   Building Permits; Restoration: Any building permit issued pursuant to this title will be null and void: 1) if the work authorized by such permit has not commenced within six (6) months after the date of issuance of such permit, or 2) if such work has begun but is suspended or abandoned for six (6) months or longer, or 3) if work is not completed within one year or such longer time as may be stated in the permit. The code official may, but is not required to, extend any such time limit for six (6) months for good cause shown, after written request for such extension and payment of a fee equal to fifty percent (50%) of the original total permit fee. The code official may grant no more than two (2) such extensions.
If a permit has expired and is not renewed, then all previous construction, if any, must be removed and the property restored to its original condition, and all fees paid therefor are forfeited to the village and the permit is null and void. If the permittee does not remove all previous construction and restore the property to its original condition, then the village may complete such removal and restoration and recover all of its costs and expenses by the filing of a lien on the property or by any other action permitted by law.
   B.   Applications: Any permit application pending for more than six (6) months for which no permit has been issued will be returned to the applicant or disposed of after notification of the applicant.
   C.   Unsafe Structures Or Premises: For certain permits, time limits for permits for restoration, structures or premises found to be in violation of section 8-1-14 of this chapter will be established by the code official and may be less than one year. (Ord. 2015-3-053, 3-16-2015)