A.   Permit Required: It is unlawful to construct, enlarge, repair, alter, or demolish a structure, or to change the occupancy of a building or structure in a manner requiring greater strength, an altered exitway, or sanitary provisions, or to change to another use, or to install or alter any equipment for which provision is made in or the installation of which is regulated by this title, without first filing an application with the code official in writing and obtaining the required permits therefor; except that "ordinary repairs", as defined in section 105.2.2 of the international building code, 2012 edition, and as further limited by the Illinois plumbing code, hereinafter adopted by reference, are exempt from this provision.
   B.   Form Of Application: Every application for a permit must be submitted on a building permit application form supplied by the building department and must be accompanied by such fees as prescribed in chapter 2 of this title.
   C.   By Whom Application Is Made: Every application for a permit must be made by the owner or lessee of the building or structure, or the agent of either, or by the contractor or licensed engineer or architect employed by the owner or lessee in connection with the work to be done. If the application is made by a person other than the owner in fee, then it must be accompanied by a duly verified affidavit of the owner, or the qualified person making the application, that the proposed work is authorized by the owner in fee and that the applicant is authorized to make such application. The full names and addresses of the owner, lessee, and applicant and of the responsible officers, if the owner or lessee is a corporate body, must be stated in the application.
   D.   Description Of Work: Every application for a permit must contain a general description of the proposed work, its location, the use and occupancy of all parts of the building or structure and of all portions of the site or lot not covered by the building or structure, and such additional information as may be required by the code official.
   E.   Plans And Specifications: Every application for a permit must be accompanied by at least six (6) copies of specifications and plans drawn to scale, unless the code official grants permission to submit fewer than six (6) copies. The specifications and plans must be drawn with sufficient clarity, detail, and dimensions to show clearly the nature and character of the work to be performed. When quality of materials or systems is essential for conformity to this title, specific information must be given to establish such quality. The terms "this title", "legal", "its equivalent", or any other such terms may not be used as a substitute for specific information. When the estimated cost of construction exceeds ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), or the proposed work involves the structural components of the building, the plans and specifications must bear the signature and seal of an architect or a structural engineer licensed to work in Illinois and, if appropriate, the signature and seal of a registered professional engineer.
The code official may waive the requirement for filing plans when the work involved is of a minor nature.
When an application is made for an unusually complex or innovative design or magnitude of construction or when code reference standards in chapter 35 of the 2012 international building code, as adopted in chapter 3 of this title, must be extensively applied to determine code compliance, the code official may require that the plan review be conducted by an approved plan review service/company at the applicant's expense.
   F.   Plat Of Survey: Every application must include two (2) copies of a certified plat of survey prepared, signed, and sealed by a qualified land surveyor licensed by the state of Illinois, showing all boundaries of the property, setback lines, existing structures if any, and all easements of record submitted with the application.
   G.   Estimate Of Cost: Every application must include an estimate by the owner or his or her representative or agent of the total estimated cost of the work proposed. Such cost estimate must include, among other things, all costs of site preparation, mobilization, excavation, heating, plumbing, electrical wiring, carpentry, materials, fire protection, utilities, air conditioning, and the like. If the total cost at completion exceeds such cost estimate, then the permittee must file with the building department a statement of such total cost at completion.
   H.   Site Plan: Every application for a permit authorizing new construction must include a fully dimensioned site plan, drawn to scale in accordance with a plat of survey, showing the size and location of all new construction and all existing buildings and structures on the site, distances of the buildings or structures to all property lines, and the existing grades at the corners of the site and at as many other locations as necessary to show the topography of the site. The site plan also must show the proposed final grades of the top of the building foundation walls, the finished site grades at all corners, the intended surface water drainage plan, all parking lots with the required vehicle parking stalls, all outside lighting, landscaping, utility lines, and other required elements.
For demolition projects, the site plan must show all buildings and structures to be demolished, the location and size of all existing buildings and structures that are to remain on the site, and all finished grades, stormwater drainage structures, and swales to drain the site on completion of the demolition work.
In all cases, the requirement of a fully developed site plan may be modified or waived by the code official in lieu of a simple plat plan for small building additions, accessory buildings and structures, demolition of minor buildings or structures, or other minor projects.
   I.   Spot In Survey: When required, a spot in survey (spotted survey) is required after foundation walls have been poured and stripped but before any work on the superstructure is begun. (Ord. 2015-3-053, 3-16-2015)